GEOG 181-Lab 5 (48 Marks Total) Due October 26th @ 4PM
Part 1: QGIS Tutorial Videos
Start by downloading so that you can follow along as you watch the
series of short instructional
that introduce you to the software and techniques required to complete the following exercise:
Part 2: Creating Choropleth Maps with QGIS and using the Atlas Function
Create the following choropleth maps. Export them as png files and insert them into your assignment
document. Also for each map, include a short discussion related to your rationale for choosing the color
scheme (i.e. is it qualitative, sequential, or diverging) and classification method (i.e.: equal interval,
quantile, natural breaks, etc).
Percentage of population that is 65 and over for each census subdivision in the Toronto Census
Metropolitan Area (CMA) (10 marks).
Percent change of population from 2006 to 2016 for Canadian census divisions. (10 marks)
Median total income of households of Kitchener-Waterloo-Cambridge CMA census tracts
Create 3 choropleth maps based on a variable from the Canadian census divisions.
Remember that
choropleth maps should map rates or ratios, not counts or totals.
Use the Atlas functionality from the
tutorial to automate their generation and export each image as a png at 300 dpi. For each map briefly
explain the spatial patterns present. (10 marks for Map Design, 6 marks (2 marks/map) for spatial
pattern present)
Automating tasks in GIS is a very valuable tool. Aside from Map Generation, list two other tasks where
automation would be useful in GIS (hint, think about file management, and some of the tools used in
GIS). (2 marks).