Note: Include your responses in the spaces provided. See rubric for grading criteria.
Part I: Exploration & Mapping Content from Living Atlas
Paste the link to your AGOL webapp in the space below. Make sure the link works!!
What is the significance of the map you created? What message is it communicating? What types of data would you have
liked to find, but it didn’t exist in the Living Atlas (~75 words)
The map displays the spatial distribution of housing features across the United States of America by combining data from the 2020
Census Housing Characteristics, Major Cities, and State Boundaries. It conveys how housing is impacted by demographic and
urban-rural dynamics. In an ideal world, extra information on environmental elements, transportation infrastructure, and
socioeconomic issues would complement the map's thorough analysis and offer a more complex knowledge of housing dynamics
within the local context.
In your own words, explain which ‘required’ elements for static maps were not necessary or in fact not available for the
interactive map you created. (~25 words)
While housing characteristics and population density are crucial for static maps, they are less important for interactive maps that
prioritize user-driven interactions and dynamic data.
Part II: ArcGIS Pro to ArcGIS Online
Paste the links to both AGOL webapps in the space below. Make sure the links work!!
Why did you decide to use the webapps you chose? What benefits does it have over the others which were available?
Why did it help the reader visualize the data better? (~50 words)
The Interactive Legend online app's intuitive interface, which boosts interactivity, was the primary factor in the decision to use it
with ArcGIS Online. Because of its dynamic features, which made the exploration of map layers easier and more entertaining for
users, a greater grasp of the geospatial data was eventually made possible.