Fall 2022
ESSC 101 Laboratory 3: Interpreting a Surface Weather Map
Lab Report
1. State the objective of this Lab 3 in the form of a question. (
How would I observe and interpret common weather parameters and surface weather maps like
air, weather, dew point, wind speed, direction, pressure, cloud cover, precipitation type.
2. Describe the methodology you will use to answer your question stated in question 1.
(Remember that would include websites used and information obtained, an explanation what Maps
were used to obtain what weather information)
Some websites I would use to answer my hypothesis would be Google Earth and EMU weather
map sites.
3. Record Data:
Part 1: Collection of Surface Weather Maps
A. Indicate the Date and Time you are collecting your Maps
Date __9/18/2023____________________
Time _________11:11PM EST__________
B. Following the procedure, paste
Surface Data Map with selected data stations circled
or indicate they are in a separate attached file
Paste Files here or put in a separate file: