Qualitative evidence
Is it credible, accurate, complete, relevant?
Who is the investigator? This may determine credibility of evidence.
Is the information transferable? Is there an emotional draw from the evidence?
Are results consistent with what we thought?
Qualitative research
May be behavior observation, interviews, content analysis, or mixed methods.
Combines participant observation, interviews, and artifact collection.
Grounded theory
Helps to generate theory that is grounded in data.
Study of lived experiences.
To get quality patient outcomes – must take into account patient preferences, values, clinical expertise,
and evidence.
Evidentialism – framework to understand how multiple factors influence clinical decision making.
Five assumptions
decisions should result from thoughtful and responsible behavior.
External evidence that supports a conclusion may not be sufficient to make a conclusion
significant clinically.
As evidence changes, decision making should change too.
Decisions must be made based on validity, reliability, and applicability of evidence and ability for
provider to understand evidence.
Beliefs without evidence are unwise. Beliefs not derived from evidence can result in
inappropriate treatments.
I have learned the value of clinical evidence and research and through this class, I have learned
more about healthcare disparities and the need to improve healthcare for all vulnerable
populations. Thank you!