Good news! You have been asked to represent your organization at the annual Healthcare Facilities
Planning conference in Hawaii. Your specific assignment is to attend a presentation by Ray Dufresne on
best practices for capital planning and, when you return, to tell your boss which of Dufresne's practices
you think is most essential for ensuring that your organization's capital plan will be successful.
After reading Chapter 2 of Simplifying the Complex : A Guide to Transition and Activation Planning for
Healthcare Construction Projects, identify the best practice that you think is most essential for ensuring
that an organization's capital plan will be successful, and explain why you think it is most essential.
Support your discussion with evidence-based resources, written using APA format.
Capital planning is a critical process to ensure that an investment project or item will generate the
highest possible return and that it will contribute long-term growth and success. I think that a critical
element to carry through a project is effective communication with the leadership of a good team leader
(Guzman et al., 2020). After reading the module assigned reading, a tool that would be great to
incorporate in capital planning is the Project Roadmap which is 24-month tool that breaks down the
projects’ categories. This tool helps the team visualize the goals and milestones for the year in a one-
page summary (Guzman et al., 2020). I think that visual plans help all team members prepare for
deadlines and ensure that resources are planned accordingly. Also, by having an outline ahead of time
with goals and timelines, helps the team to make any adjustments ahead of time to avoid any
unexpected barriers.