ACTIVE LEARNING TEMPLATE: Sys tem Disorder STUDENT NAME Lindsay Reyes pIsORDER/DISEASE PROCESs Peripheral Vascular Disease - Alterations in Health (Diagnosis) sx of narrowed, enlarged or hardened arteries - ASSESSMENT | Risk Factors family hx, inactive lifestyle, obesity, DM \\ Increased BP & Cholesterol Pathophysiology Related to Client Problem atheromas in peripheral REVIEW MODULE CHAPTER N O Health Promotion and Disease Prevention exercise regularly circulation weight loss \_ O\l SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS Expected Findings el A BT diminished pulses, abnormal skin color, poor hair growth, and cool Adherence to skin medication regimen N ' Laborato ry Tests Blood tests PATIENT-CENTERED CARE Nursing Care monitor pain, provide comfortable environment Examine skin | Therapeutic Procedures elevate lower extremities angioplasty \ Diagnostic Procedures angiography Medications anti-platelet beta blockers ACE inhibitors NSAIDS Client Education smoking cessation eating healthy weight loss | Interprofessional Care cardiologist dietician PT — v/’ Complications DVT PE Hypertension Edema \.\