PICO: In patients who are in a hospital setting, how does digital hourly rounding compare with non-digital hourly rounding effect the patients satisfaction?
Reid, S. (2017). Improving patient satisfaction scores with digital nurse leader rounding. Health Management Technology, 38 (11), 14.
This article found in the journal Health Management Technology
was written by Stephanie Reid, RN, BSN, MBA, MHA, Chief Nursing Office and Vice President of Patient Care Services. Reid works at Carroll Hospital in Westminster Maryland. This article was published in 2017 using data that was collected beginning in 2015.
The methodology used in this article was quantitative date.
The article concerns the former rounding technics used at Carroll Hospital. Before the GetWell Rounds + program was implemented Carroll Hospital was found to have spent less time actually caring for their patients. Patients as well as nurses felt as though the former rounding program had many interruptions due to the amount of time it took to chart the care that was received by patients. The GetWell Rounds+ is a program that digitalizes a patients care. The GetWell Rounds + has been found to help nurses prioritize their time which in turn has positively impacted patient outcomes. Many patients reported that with digital rounding they felt that the nurses were able to focus more on the interactions that mattered most to them.