IT 145 Pet BAG Specification
Tracy Klemens
Storyboard (Description and Map)
A dragon has come to the house where a party is taking place.
The dragon is
looking for his magic wand he left at the last party.
He is not invited to this
party so he has to move quickly to find his magic wand and leave the party
The dragon will enter into the entry hall where he will need to find
the cloak to hide himself in the party scene, go to the living room to get
glasses to see, the library to get a book to hide the magic wand inside, the
dining room to get a platter to look like a caterer, the Ball Room to avoid the
party people, the Kitchen to get a glass of water,
the Office to get a fire
extinguisher in case the dragon tries to start a fire by accident, and the
Parlor to find the magic wand.
Entry Hall, Living Room, Kitchen, Library, Dining Room, Ball Room,
Office, Parlor
Cloak, Glasses, Mask, Book, Platter, Fire Extinguisher, Magic Wand
The party people– they must not detect the dragon