7-2 Project Two: Press Release
Location: Central Bridge’s westbound lane heading towards Main City from Beachside City
Date: 01/07/2019
Time: 2:30 am
Vehicles involved: Black SUV was involved in single motor vehicle accident.
Description of accident/what occurred: Black SUV with two occupants heading westbound on
Central Bridge towards Main City crashed into barrier wall.
Response and hospital transfers: A male in a black BMW stopped after witnessing the crash to
contact emergency personnel. Main City Sherriff’s department was the first to arrive on the
scene. Main City Sherriff’s department contacted Fire Rescue. Upon arrival, Fire Rescue
transported both occupants of the vehicle to Main City Trauma.
Status of victims: Male in late 20’s (driver) pronounced dead upon arrival at Main City Trauma.
Female in late 20’s (passenger) remains unresponsive and is in critical condition.
Status of investigation: Cause of accident is still under investigation however alcohol is believed
to be the contributor.