Nike Supply Chain Design
Case Questions:
1) Assess the different fulfillment, supply chain and logistics network
options for Nike in terms of the new paradigm. What is your
recommendation? Justify your answer.
2) Identify the Madrid pilot hubs Key Performance Indicators (KPI)
and the criteria for the roll out of the European multi-node network
3) Could the multi node network solution originally designed for the
direct digital business also satisfy the Nike store retail channel.
Justify your answer
4) Should the flagship stores serve as an extension of the new
network strategy in order to offer same day delivery to consumers?
5) Assess the alternatives and recommend a supply chain strategy for
the United Kingdom regional hub in light of all the opportunities
(inbound and outbound)
6) What is your best proposal for managing the excess inventory
liquidation and product returns. Justify your answer.
Assess alternative options for managing the environmental impacts
of the supply chain in line with costs and customer expectations.