Assignment: Week 15 Assigned Questions
IE 492 Engineering Management
Prof. Ankush Karnik
Individual Assignment
Week Due
Week 7
Chapters Covered
Schaum’s, Chapter 9,10, & 11
Please review the discussion question below and describe the steps you would take to
evaluate the situation. I am looking for steps, calculations, and for the reasoning behind
your approach as well.Your answer should clearly list out all steps and indicate your
answer. If there are any assumptions you are making, please list them as well. The
assignment should not be more than one typed page –single-spaced – no less than
10pt font size. Please reach out to me in case there are any questions regarding this
assignment. Please do not wait until the last minute.
This assignment is due by
Friday, March 1, 2024 11:59 pm
. After this time it will be a late submission and points
will be deducted. I will NOT be accepting assignments via email.
Please submit your response in Canvas. The system will allow you to either upload a
file or type text. However, I would strongly recommend that you upload a ‘Word
Document’ with your response. Please label the file
Discussion Questions:
Question A:
Your company is planning to procure a machine which is expected to be used for
several years, after which it will be replaced by another machine. How would you