Think
Like
a
Principal
-
Building
Partnerships
As
the
principal,
you
are
empowered
to
establish
an
inclusive
school
culture
and
climate
that
embrace
collaborative
partnerships
with
all
school
stakeholders.
As
an
original
response,
evaluate
the
protocols
and
procedures
you
proposed
in
the
Module
discussion
within
a
context
of
change.
«
Would
the
protocols
and
procedures
you
proposed
for
promoting
a
collaborative,
inclusive
school
culture
and
respect
for
diversity
encourage
staff
buy-in
for
change?
What
roadblocks
might
you
encounter?
What
other
options
could
you
pursue?
«
How
can
you
use
what
you
have
learned
to
ensure
you
make
effective
decisions
related
to
school-family-community
partnerships
moving
forward?
Comment
on
the
posts
of
at
least
two
classmates.
citations
are
required
only
for
the
original
response.
Please
read
the
Discussion
Directions
=
before
posting
your
response.