1. uses of the following
Airmon-ng: puts network interface into monitoring mode
Airodump-ng: captures data from a wireless network
Aircrack-ng: cracks the ley of a selected network
Aireplay-ng: injects packets into the desired network for later use to help decrypt the information
2. WPA2 is the best encryption method. It is critical to use encryption techniques to stop unauthorized user from accessing your network and obtaining personal information.
3. the following can be enabled as part of a layered security solution
Limiting the number of addresses created by the WAP
Static IP Addressing of devices
MAC address filtering
4. To avoid identity theft
Protect business/personal data
To optimize network efficiency
5. denial of service attacks
Spoofing and session hijacking
6. malware can spread from other infected devices
The network can be a trap set up by hackers to steal your passwords and other confidential information.
7. to identify issues to be resolved
Improve performance
8. data is lost at the loss of the device