HSE 325: 3-2 Journal
The first Ethical Standard I have chosen that would apply in this field of work and case
study described is Standard 7- Human service professionals ensure that their values or biases are not imposed upon their clients, (Allen, Ethical standards for HS Professionals).
I would ensure that my personal values and bias would not affect my professional responsibly to my client and would uphold the law by always being aware of my own personal
feelings are just that my own. My responsibilities to the law and my clients are paramount and
should always be my first and only responsibility. My personal bias and values, although they may at some point conflict with the law and or client’s situation. I must remember that I will do a disservice to my clients when I subject them to my own personal views or bias intentionally or unintentionally. As a professional who has an ethical and professional duty to my clients must always keep my personal feelings out of my professional job performance and maintain integrity while doing my best for my client based on their individual needs and the law, Allen, Ethical standards for HS Professionals).
The second Ethical Standard I have chosen is Standard 1- Human service professionals
recognize and build on client and community strengths, (Allen, Ethical standards for HS Professionals).