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Dec 6, 2023





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Te t Report ack Graded Correct Graded Incorrect Filter  : All (http :// a . ehavioranal  t upervi or.com/index.php?option=com_lm &view=te trevi ean wer &Id=818818) | Correct (http :// a . ehavioranal  t upervi or.com/index.php?option=com_lm & view=te trevi ean wer & ort=1&Id=818818) | Incorrect (http :// a . ehavioranal  t upervi or.com/index.php?option=com_lm &view=te trevi ean wer & ort=0&Id=818818) | Unan wered (http :// a . ehavioranal  t upervi or.com/index.php?option=com_lm &view=te trevi ean wer & ort=-1&Id=818818) | Que tion feed ack (http :// a . ehavioranal  t upervi or.com /index.php?option=com_lm &view=te trevi ean wer & ort=2&Id=818818) Que tion : 1 of 25 - Multiple Choice Ma ha , a C A at Fanta  Land A A, wanted to u e modeling to teach Dum o how to � . Dum o i a 5 ear old male who i of a ian de cent. Ma ah en ured that Dum o had the nece  ar prerequi ite attending kill to learn thi new kill of � ing. Of the following, who hould Ma ha elect a the model? Your an wer A . Grump , a 25 ear old male of uropean de cent who ie on a weekl a i . now White, a 5 ear old female of A ian de cent who ie on a regular a i C . Mu hu, a 5 ear old male of A ian de cent who ha never own D . Ma ha , a 25 ear old male of African de cent who ie dail Correct An wer . now White, a 5 ear old female of A ian de cent who ie on a regular a i xplanation Correct: now White, a 5 ear old female of A ian de cent who ie on a regular a i would e the e t election a a model for Dum o. Dum o and now White hare man feature : the are oth 5 ear old and of A ian de cent. now White al o know how to � making her an ideal model. imilarit etween the model and the learner in uence the likelihood the learner will imitate the ehavior ( andura, 1969 inCooper, 2017, p 533). Incorrect: Grump and Ma ha hare few imilaritie with Dum o making them ine ective model for thi kill. Mu hu hare man imilaritie however, Mu hu doe not currentl have the kill of � ing in hi repertoire making him an ine ective model (Cooper, 2017, p 533). G-5 U e modeling and imitation training. Point : 3 out of 3 Que tion : 2 of 25 - Multiple Choice At r t, when a cu tomer wa read to check out, ou howed Nata ha which utton to pu h on the ca h regi ter and narrated for her. You then placed num er ticker in a cending order on the utton that he would need. If ou want Nata ha’ completion of thi chain to e controlled  the pre ence of the cu tomer and their item alone, how could ou fade the re pon e prompt ? Your an wer A . U e ph  ical guidance in place of modeling and narration prompt . . Pair the eginning of the ehavioral chain with the check tand light eing on. C . horten our narration to one-word prompt . D . Place a limited hold on Nata ha' 5- econd F! chedule for completion of the chain. Correct An wer C . horten our narration to one-word prompt . xplanation Correct: hortening a narration i fading the ver al prompt. In tead of “Pre  the ‘enter item ’ ke and tart canning all of the cu tomer’ item ,” ecome nter item and can,” ecome “Item .” Incorrect: Ph  ical guidance i generall con idered to the mo t intru ive prompt and eem a tep in the oppo ite direction of fading prompt toward the goal. <> Having the light eing on control Review que tion tudent : Alex Han Mar 15, 2023 02:38PM  T 64% Correct | 16 Correct | 9 Incorrect | 0 Unan wered | 25 que tion attempted out of 25 5th edition: G. ehavior Change Procedure Home (/) ack (/lm /te t/26260) (/) BrainCert Enterprise LMS https://bas.behavioranalystsupervisor.com/lms/test/review/5th-edition-G... 1 of 11 3/15/2023, 12:40 PM Graded Correct Graded Incorrect Graded Correct the ehavior, i n’t the goal. It’ creating an D and it ound like an inappropriate one. The cu tomer with item i the eventual D ought. <> A limited hold would encourage Nata ha to complete the ehavior chain more quickl , ut i n’t a fading procedure. G-4 U e timulu and re pon e prompt and fading (e.g., errorle  , mo t-to-lea t, lea t-to-mo t, prompt dela , timulu fading). Que tion : 3 of 25 - Multiple Choice cott ha taught hi dog to open the door, clo e the door and to fetch the remote, a can of dog food or a eer. ometime cott’ dog will ju t do one or more of the ehavior without cott expecting it. cott decide that he would like hi dog to complete hi trick in a peci c order. How could cott achieve thi with hi dog over the next couple of month ? Your an wer A . U e ehavioral momentum . hape hi dog’ ehavior u ing food C . U e a ehavior chain D . Di erentiall reinforce when all of the e ta k are completed in the intended order Correct An wer C . U e a ehavior chain xplanation Correct: To train a equence of ehavior to occur in a peci c order, a ehavior chain i e t. It’ not ju t one ehavior, ut a equence of action that cott want here. Incorrect: ehavioral momentum, or high-p reque t equence might work to get cott’ dog to complete ta k that are relativel lower pro a ilit (low-p). We don’t know which ehavior are “ea  ” for the dog and which are di cult. We al o are intere ted in a peci c order equence. <> cott pro a l had to hape hi dog’ ehavior to get them to where the are now. He could actuall u e haping of a total ta k changing procedure, ut that’ ju t the point. He need to u e a ehavior chain and haping i ju t one wa to accompli h the goal from there. <> Ye , cott want to reinforce when the ehavior chain ha een oth completed in the right order and each tep i correct. To do thi , he r t need to put the ehavior together into a ehavior chain (Cooper,2020,p.558). G-8 U e chaining Point : 3 out of 3 Que tion : 4 of 25 - Multiple Choice Am drink tea dail . When he’ ni hed with a cup, he’ll throw the tea ag into the ink. Her hu  and would appreciate it if he put them in the gar age, in tead. ut, the ehavior ha een going on for ear now. How can Am hu  and u e DRA to change thi ehavior? Your an wer A . In tall a gar age di po al to deal with the tea ag . Reinforce putting tea ag into a de ignated owl in the ink C . O er Am a ki  when he put the tea ag in the gar age in tead of the ink D . u loo e tea that ha no ag Correct An wer . Reinforce putting tea ag into a de ignated owl in the ink xplanation Correct: Am i alread in the ha it of putting tea ag into the ink - he ha thi kill in her repertoire. If a de ignated owl goe in the ink, thi replacement ehavior i etter” than the tea ag eing loo e. Incorrect: A gar age di po al i an environmental change. It might work, ut it i n’t a DRA procedure. <> The ki  contingenc look ver much like what ha een in place for ear . It i a DRA, ut it al o ha the di advantage that oth Am and Kevin need to e in the kitchen at the time that the tea ag are thrown awa . <> u ing tea with no ag i another environmental change. Again, it might work, ut it i n’t a DRA. G-14 U e reinforcement procedure to weaken ehavior (e.g., DRA, FCT, DRO, DRL, NCR). Que tion : 5 of 25 - Multiple Choice A ernath , a logo de igner, ha hired ome new arti t . In their introductor training, the arti t were told ome of the a ic rule for creating a great logo. When given time for upervi ed practice A ernath prai e tho e that u ed the e rule , a well a novel wa  to incorporate them into new logo . What i A ernath doing? Your an wer A . Promoting timulu generalization BrainCert Enterprise LMS https://bas.behavioranalystsupervisor.com/lms/test/review/5th-edition-G... 2 of 11 3/15/2023, 12:40 PM Graded Correct Graded Incorrect . Promoting maintenance C . Promoting him elf D . Promoting re pon e generalization Correct An wer D . Promoting re pon e generalization xplanation Correct: ncouraging arti t to emit ehavior that meet the rule requirement (i.e., are functionall equivalent) and that are al o omewhat di erent, i promoting re pon e generalization. Incorrect: Promoting timulu generalization would involve drawing the ame logo under omewhat di erent condition , a with another teacher or in another etting. <> Thi i n’t maintenance et. A ernath i r t reinforcing re pon e generalization within the context of the rule that he ha et. Maintenance will come after the arti t have ma tered the kill and continue to receive reinforcement for doing o. <> A ernath ma e promoting him elf, ut he’ al o encouraging logo that are di erent from each other. Thi i re pon e generalization. (Cooper, p.718) G-21 U e procedure to promote timulu and re pon e generalization. Point : 3 out of 3 Que tion : 6 of 25 - Multiple Choice Anthon would often ditch high chool after lunch. Thi ecame uch a frequent occurrence that he ma e expelled. Detention wa implemented along with decrea ing the amount of a  ignment needed to e turned in, while al o increa ing the amount of luxur item at chool uch a pecial nack and game  tem . None of it eem to have worked. a ed on the information given, what i the next e t cour e of action to help Anthon ta in chool? Your an wer A . Develop a tran ition plan to an alternative chool . Develop a contingenc contract with Anthon C . Develop a elf-management program for Anthon D . Develop a level  tem of reinforcement a ed on video game Correct An wer . Develop a contingenc contract with Anthon xplanation Correct: Develop a contingenc contract etween Anthon and the chool. Thi will help Anthon know what i expected of him and the con equence of compliance or non-compliance. If ome ort of a  e  ment were an an wer, I would encourage ou to choo e that. It would e nice to under tand the function of Anthon ehavior. Incorrect: An alternative chool ma e a di erent place, ut nothing will change, unle  the contingencie are di erent. <> A elf-management plan i much like a contingenc contract. Here, it doe n’t eem a appropriate, ecau e the chool will e o ering reinforcement/puni hment in tead of Anthon . <> Video game are mentioned in the cenario, although we don’t know that Anthon enjo  the e. ven if he did, the could e part of a ehavior contract (Cooper,2020, p.672-679). G-19 U e contingenc contracting. Point : 3 out of 3 Que tion : 7 of 25 - Multiple Choice You are working with the parent of a teenager. The outh ha everal hou ehold chore that need to e done each week and i not completing all of them with regularit . A  uming each would a ect future ehavior, which i an example of a conditioned reinforcer? Your an wer A . Have the parent and the child ign an agreement on chore completion and the contingencie for compliance and noncompliance. . If the child complete weekl chore , encourage the parent to provide a pecial meal on Frida  . C . Have the parent leave a chore li t for their child ever da unle  the weekl chore are completed. D . A k the parent to provide po itive prai e to their child a out 5 time per da . Correct An wer C . Have the parent leave a chore li t for their child ever da unle  the weekl chore are completed. xplanation Correct: The removal of the chore li t, contingent upon completion of chore hould ecome a conditioned negative reinforcer. Incorrect: An contingenc contract could e a good idea in thi ituation, ut doe n’t an wer the que tion a out a conditioned reinforcer. <> A contingent meal on Frida ound like po itive reinforcement, although food i an unconditioned reinforcer. No learning i nece  ar for thi to retain reinforcing propertie . <> Non-contingent prai e i not a contingent reinforcer, impl ecau e it i n’t eing delivered contingent upon ehavioral completion. BrainCert Enterprise LMS https://bas.behavioranalystsupervisor.com/lms/test/review/5th-edition-G... 3 of 11 3/15/2023, 12:40 PM Graded Correct Graded Correct Graded G-3  ta li h and u e conditioned reinforcer . Que tion : 8 of 25 - Multiple Choice Given variou ta k , we’ve identi ed the pro a ilit that Daniel will complete them in the ta le. Which i an appropriate u e of the high-pro a ilit reque t equence, given the e data? Ta kPercentage of compliance A 80 20 C 95 D 90 60 Your an wer A . CDA- .  A-C C . C-DA D . CDA- Correct An wer D . CDA- xplanation Correct: The order of the r t three, pro a l doe n’t matter too much, although all high-p reque t hould e 80% or a ove in compliance. Al o, low-p reque t hould e 40% or lower compliance. CDA- i the onl one that meet the e criteria. Incorrect: CDA- i u ing a low-p ehavior that i too high in compliance. Thi wouldn’t hurt, ut i n’t quite right. <>  A-C i u ing the lowe t-pro a ilit ta k r t. Thi i the oppo ite of ehavioral momentum. <> C-DA i the ame pre entation a another an wer (Cooper, 2020, p. 621-22). G-13 U e the high-pro a ilit in tructional equence. Point : 3 out of 3 Que tion : 9 of 25 - Multiple Choice Karan work for a ig corporation and alwa  ha omething to ni h. ome ta k are more important than other , ut he feel the need to work on all the project at the ame time. Thi ha led to multiple deadline eing mi  ed for important project . Karan’ on thin ice. What would e the mo t e ective modi cation Karan can make to her work environment? Your an wer A . Make a to-do li t and prioritize . Ta k anal ze ta k , while removing other di traction from the work area C . U e a dependent group contingenc for her elf D . Implement a reinforcement chedule: if he meet her deadline then he will receive a tar uck card Correct An wer A . Make a to-do li t and prioritize xplanation Correct: Making a to-do li t will help Karan to know which item need to e done r t, and help to maximize her productivit and e cienc . Thi i a common and ea  to implement elf- management tool that will lead to etter outcome . Incorrect: Outlining the tep required to complete ta k i helpful when there i ome lack of clarit in the matter. It eem that Karan know what need to e done and how to do each ta k, ut i n’t prioritizing the mo t important ta k . <> I uppo e that a elf-management plan could e called a dependent group contingenc of one, ut pro a l not. <> We might e a  uming that Karan like tar uck . ven if he did, it eem an incentive to work harder, when what i needed i to complete the mo t important ta k r t (Cooper,2020,p.682). G-20 U e elf-management trategie . Point : 3 out of 3 Que tion : 10 of 25 - Multiple Choice Tamm taught Mark to a “Hi” after he a  “Hi” to him. After a couple of week Tamm notice that Mark i a le to re pond when omeone el e a  “Hi”, ut he doe n’t re pond to other greeting uch a “What’ up?”, “He there!” or “He .” How could Tamm update Mark’ programming to ee an increa e in re ponding to di erent greeting ? BrainCert Enterprise LMS https://bas.behavioranalystsupervisor.com/lms/test/review/5th-edition-G... 4 of 11 3/15/2023, 12:40 PM
Correct Graded Incorrect Graded Correct Your an wer A . Reinforce an of Mark’ pontaneou re pon e that are di erent from “Hello” or “Hi.” . Introduce variation in the wording u ed  tho e Mark interact with. C . Have Mark r t re pond to Tamm a ing “What’ up?”, “He there!” or “He .” D . Make free time at the end of the week contingent on Mark’ re pon e to an greeting made to him. Correct An wer C . Have Mark r t re pond to Tamm a ing “What’ up?”, “He there!” or “He .” xplanation Correct: Fir t, the pro lem: Tamm want Mark to re pond “Hi,” when omeone a  “What’ up?”, “He there!” or “He .” The olution pro a l r t involve Mark eing a le to re pond to Tamm r t, a he wa a le to re pond to Tamm and then other when the all a “Hi.” Incorrect: Changing the form of Mark’ re pon e to omething other than “Hi” i n’t the que tion. We want him to re pond “Hi” when other u e di ering greeting ( timuli). <> Variation appear to e happening alread , et Mark i not generalizing the e timuli. Fir t, we have to ring Mark’ ehavior under the control of timuli like “What’ up?”, “He there!” or “He .” <> Reinforcing correct re pon e i great. It ju t eem that Mark ma e una le to correctl re pond and need in truction efore we attempt to reinforce/maintain the ehavior (Cooper,2020, p.718). G-21 U e procedure to promote timulu and re pon e generalization. Point : 3 out of 3 Que tion : 11 of 25 - Multiple Choice Larr , an avid a e all fan, want to teach hi on to wing a at for the r t time. Larr neigh or, who ju t happen to e a C A, ugge t that Larr u e a ta k anal  i to reak down the tep of winging a a e all at and implement the ta k anal  i with hi on. In order to develop a ta k anal  i for winging a at, Larr could do all of the following XC PT: Your an wer A . Watch former ML MVP Ichiro uzuki wing hi at . Watch hi on wing hi at C . Pick up the at him elf and wing it D . Con ult with cott Cool augh (Detroit Tiger hitting coach) Correct An wer . Watch hi on wing hi at xplanation Correct: It ha een e ta li hed that Larr on ha never wung a at efore and, a a re ult, would not erve a an ideal individual to o tain the proper tep to wing a at from in order to develop the ta k anal  i (Cooper, 2017, p 560). Incorrect: In order to develop a ta k anal  i one could o  erve a competent performer, execute the ta k them elf, or gain expert input (Cooper, 2017, p 560). Remem er the point i to under tand the tep nece  ar to complete a kill. G-8 U e chaining Que tion : 12 of 25 - Multiple Choice Tom would like to increa e the performance on homework completed  each tudent  2% efore there can e a pizza part at the end of the quarter. He ha u ed dependent group contingencie efore with tudent who have a hard time completing a  ignment and turning a  ignment in. What i the mo t rea ona le action for Tom to take given the outcome he i looking to achieve? Your an wer A . Independent group contingenc . Good ehavior game C . Interdependent group contingenc D . Dependent group contingenc Correct An wer C . Interdependent group contingenc xplanation Correct: Tom would like to increa e the amount of homework completed  V RY tudent during the next quarter efore there i a pizza part , he hould u e an interdependent group BrainCert Enterprise LMS https://bas.behavioranalystsupervisor.com/lms/test/review/5th-edition-G... 5 of 11 3/15/2023, 12:40 PM Graded Correct Graded Correct Graded contingenc . Thi would mean that there i a pizza part for ever one or no pizza part at all. Incorrect: An independent group contingenc would mean that an one who increa ed their homework performance  2% would receive a pizza part . Tho e who didn’t would have to nd omething el e to do. <> The good ehavior game doe u e the interdependent group contingenc , ut i appropriate for in-cla  participation rather than homework performance. <> A dependent contingenc would plit the cla  into two group and allow a pizza part for ever one onl if the target group achieved the performance increa e (Cooper,2020, p.665). G-18 U e group contingencie . Point : 3 out of 3 Que tion : 13 of 25 - Multiple Choice Aeon would often do hi homework, ut forget to turn it in. Hi ackpack wa full of late a  ignment until he and hi teacher worked out a procedure. he would greet Aeon and thank him for dropping hi homework into a a ket efore taking hi eat. Thi worked well la t ear. When Aeon moved into the 6th grade thi ear, he went ack to hi old ha it , however. Wh did Aeon’ ehavior revert to hi previou ehavior? Your an wer A . A lack of maintenance . A reinforcement dela C . Technological pro lem D . O  erver drift Correct An wer A . A lack of maintenance xplanation Correct: Thi i ver likel a lack of maintenance. That i , Aeon’ “new” ehavior did not receive reinforcement. There are man factor that pro a l contri ute to thi , uch a a di erent teacher (perhap ignorant of the plan), a dela over a reak, a di erent environment, etc. In an ca e, the ehavior would likel have continued if it had received reinforcement. Incorrect: There wa a dela over a chool reak, ut there al o wa n’t an opportunit (or expectation) over the reak. Thi i onl a dela in reinforcement if Aeon did hi “new” ehavior in the new grade and didn’t receive reinforcement for ome time. <> We aren’t told if thi plan wa written. If there wa a written plan, the pro lem wa getting it to the new teacher. If there wa n’t a written plan, the pro lem i till informing the new teacher. Thi i n’t a out whether the plan could e replicated  another. <> O  erver drift would involve o  erver changing the de nition of the ehavior over time. Thi i n’t mentioned. (Cooper, 2020, p.302) G-22 U e procedure to promote maintenance. Point : 3 out of 3 Que tion : 14 of 25 - Multiple Choice ometime Ja trie to increa e the num er of re pon e needed efore giving Chri tina a token. Chri tina doe n’t eem to know what ehavior are eing reinforced or how often he’ll get a token. How could Ja help Chri tina under tand? Your an wer A . Tell Chri tina what ehavior that Ja i looking for. . Write oth the ehavior and the current chedule of reinforcement on the oard. C . Di pla the item/activit that token ma e exchanged for D . U e a continuou chedule of reinforcement to egin with Correct An wer . Write oth the ehavior and the current chedule of reinforcement on the oard. xplanation Correct: Di pla ing (writing) the current contingenc help to communicate the expectation. Incorrect: Telling Chri tina what ehavior will receive reinforcement i half of the equation. he till doe n’t know the chedule of the reinforcement. <> Di pla ing the item/activit that tudent are working toward i helpful in maintaining motivation, ut doe n’t help with what the current contingenc i . <> True, a CRF chedule i u uall put in place to introduce reinforcement. Thi would help Chri tina know the chedule of reinforcement, ut not the ehavior under thi contingenc (Cooper,2020, p.656). G-17 U e token economie . Point : 3 out of 3 Que tion : 15 of 25 - Multiple Choice I aiah i a 14 ear old male client that engage in I . The topograph of the ehavior include hitting hi arm , leg , and head with clo ed � t , anging hi head again t the wall, and u ing o ject to trike hi head. I aiah enjo  going for walk around the track and pla ing on hi iPad. After conducting an F A, the ehavior wa determined to e maintained  e cape from writing ta k . BrainCert Enterprise LMS https://bas.behavioranalystsupervisor.com/lms/test/review/5th-edition-G... 6 of 11 3/15/2023, 12:40 PM Incorrect Graded Correct Graded Incorrect Which of the following intervention would e t accompli h e cape extinction? Your an wer A . I aiah will reque t a reak. . O er for I aiah to complete writing ta k on hi iPad. C . U e re pon e locking. D . O er for I aiah to walk around the track. Correct An wer . O er for I aiah to complete writing ta k on hi iPad. xplanation Correct:  cape extinction, in thi ca e, would involve preventing e cape from writing ta k when I aiah engage in I . o, I occur = no e cape. Continuing with the writing ta k, ut on the iPad ma e accepta le to oth I aiah and hi teacher . More importantl , thi al o would den e cape from the ta k. Incorrect: Reque ting a reak ma e a good goal, ut i n’t de cri ing e cape extinction. <> Re pon e locking prevent I aiah’ I , ut doe n’t extingui h the ehavior. <> Walking around the track would provide e cape, rather than extingui hing it (Cooper, 2020, p 585). G-15 U e extinction. Que tion : 16 of 25 - Multiple Choice Monte i an amature golfer eeking the elu ive green jacket. Hi coach ha created a fool-proof trateg to increa e Monte’ golf game and en ure that Monte hit the all to the green ever time. On the r t da of training, the coach give Monte a $100 dollar ill when he make contact with the golf all. Once the trainer ee Monte hit the all onto the fairwa from the tee ox, the $100 dollar ill i onl delivered when the all i hit onto the fairwa from the tee ox. Once Monte hit the all onto the green from the tee ox the trainer onl deliver the $100 dollar ill on occa ion where Monte hit the all from the tee ox to the green. Which of the elow method mo t clo el re em le the procedure the training i u ing? Your an wer A . Di erential reinforcement of alternative ehavior . An increa e in the magnitude of the re pon e C . haping D . Chaining with leap ahead Correct An wer C . haping xplanation Correct: The training ha implemented a haping procedure. haping i e  entiall di erential reinforcement of ucce  ive approximation . Thi mean each time the golf all i hit clo er to the green, the trainer onl reinforce the e re pon e (the etter one ) and place previou horter, more errant troke on extinction (Cooper, 2017, p 541 Incorrect: Monte i winging a golf clu . Thi i n’t DRA, ecau e Monte i n’t a ked to “do omething el e” that i functionall equivalent. <> Monte ma or not e winging harder, ut we aren’t told. <> Chaining could e u ed to teach how to wing the golf clu , ut leap ahead are for ehavior within a chain that the learner ha alread ma tered. Al o, if ou imagine attempting to u e chaining with a golf wing, it ecome untena le. (Cooper, 2017, p 558) G-7 U e haping Point : 3 out of 3 Que tion : 17 of 25 - Multiple Choice Mr. a tman, a high chool teacher, prai e Kai a out ever other da for hi drum practice. Kai’ parent prai e Kai a out ever other week for hi drum practice. How can Mr. a tman upport maintenance of Kai’ practice over the ummer? Your an wer A . Mr. a tman hould move to a continuou chedule of reinforcement . Mr. a tman hould talk with Kai’ parent a out u ing video game a a reinforcer C . Mr. a tman hould u e an intermittent chedule of reinforcement D . Mr. a tman hould thin the reinforcement to approximatel twice per month Correct An wer D . Mr. a tman hould thin the reinforcement to approximatel twice per month BrainCert Enterprise LMS https://bas.behavioranalystsupervisor.com/lms/test/review/5th-edition-G... 7 of 11 3/15/2023, 12:40 PM Graded Correct Graded Incorrect Graded xplanation Correct: Maintenance i a wa a ing that we want a ehavior to continue to contact reinforcement. If Mr. a tman continue to o er reinforcement ever other da , Kai will go home over the ummer and receive far le  reinforcement from hi parent for hi drum practice. If Mr. a tman r t thin the reinforcement to the ame rate a Kai’ home environment, the ehavior ma e maintained over the ummer. Incorrect: Moving to a continuou chedule i going the wrong wa . A den e, xed chedule like a CRF i ea il extingui hed, e peciall under the home contingenc mentioned. <> Video game ma e an appropriate reinforcer (or not), ut it’ the chedule that i al o important. <> Mr. a tman I u ing an intermittent chedule, ut need to thin it to match Kai’ “natural” environment. (Cooper, 2020, p.302) G-22 U e procedure to promote maintenance. Que tion : 18 of 25 - Multiple Choice When Kat think of the word “excited,” he ee a picture of omeone with their mouth open and their hand up in the air. Later on, Kat wa at a irthda part and noticed a imilar expre  ion on the irthda girl' face when he received a pupp a one of her pre ent . Kat thought, “ he look excited.” What timulu relation i thi ? Your an wer A .  mmetr . Re exive C . Tran itive D . Autoclitic mand Correct An wer A .  mmetr xplanation Correct: To put thi another wa , “excited” i to “ omeone who look excited,” a omeone who look excited” i to “excited.” In a  mmetrical relation, we are looking for a recognition that the teaching/learning of an A timulu relation, can then e hown  a per on to have a A relation hip, a well. Incorrect: A re exive relation i a recognition (demon tration) that two timuli are identical. In thi cenario, one i a thought and the other i the action of another. <> A tran itive relation i when A and C are taught, then one emit an AC relation hip demon tration. Here it might e that the written word excited (A) i a  ociated with a picture of omeone acting excited ( ). Then, a picture of omeone excited ( ) i a  ociated with the poken word “excited” (C). Without further training, a tran itive relation would e to a “excited” (C) when eeing the written word (A). <> An autoclitic mand i an addition to a primar ver al re pon e. It’ not de cri ed here (Cooper,2020,p.423-424). G-12 U e equivalence- a ed in truction. Point : 3 out of 3 Que tion : 19 of 25 - Multiple Choice Your mom modeled the u e of her new air fr er. When he wa ni hed, he let ou give it a hot. You eemed to handle the ta k ver well and he let ou know that when ou were done. Now, ou can u e the fr er on our own. Your mother’ training i e t de cri ed a : Your an wer A . rrorle  teaching . Prompt fading C . timulu fading D . Reinforcement Correct An wer . Prompt fading xplanation Correct: Your mother’ initial model prompt wa removed (faded) without the need for an more prompting. Incorrect: timulu fading would require a timulu prompt that i then lowl removed. No timulu prompt were mentioned here. <> rrorle  teaching i n’t correct, ecau e no attempt eem to have een made to prevent error prior to allowing the learner ( ou) to attempt the ehavior. <> Ye , our mother eem to have prai ed our ucce  , ut thi i n’t the focu of the cenario. G-4 U e timulu and re pon e prompt and fading (e.g., errorle  , mo t-to-lea t, lea t-to-mo t, prompt dela , timulu fading). Que tion : 20 of 25 - Multiple Choice ach of the following are tep in a di crete trial XC PT: BrainCert Enterprise LMS https://bas.behavioranalystsupervisor.com/lms/test/review/5th-edition-G... 8 of 11 3/15/2023, 12:40 PM
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