TSL 532 DQ1 What are some of the terms and acronyms used to describe English language learners (ELLs)? Compare at least three terms and acronyms.
What are some of the pros and cons of using each one?
There are many different terms and acronyms used to describe English
language learners. For example as per De Oliveira (2019) some terms and acronyms are “emergent to advanced bilingual students (EABs), bi/multilingual students, plurilingual learners, additional language speaker, English language learner (ELL), English learner (EL), Limited English Proficient (LEP), non‐native speaker (NNS), L2 speaker, and so on (p. 28). There are pros and cons of using each of these terms. For example, by using these terms teacher teachers and administrator can
advocate for these students that are learning a new language. I mean in the way we can all advocate to make sure they are included when making important decisions in schools. For example, when choosing a curriculum that has accommodation for the ELL population. On the other hand, the cons is that sometimes just by referring to the English language learners people that are educated in this topic make assumptions that are negative. They are people even educators that belief that just because they don’t know the language or are limited in it, the students don’t know the skills or cannot learn new skills. As you can see in chapter 5 there are many policies that were created based on negative beliefs toward the English language learner population. I mean court cases that lead to new policies to support the ELL population. However, the negative things keep causing a positive effect. The reason is because due to the new policies I feel the education and even the funding for the English language learning is improving every day.
De Oliveira, L. C. (Ed.). (2019). The handbook of TESOL in K-12. John widely & sons ltd.