Problem Statement Assignment



Algonquin College *

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Apr 3, 2024





Uploaded by BarristerInternetCrab41

A SSIGNMENT: REPORT PROPOSAL / PROBLEM STATEMENT Length: 150-200 words Format: Problem Statement and Report Proposal Due Date: Sunday, Week 4 (uploaded to Brightspace by 11:59 PM) Value: 10% of your final grade – Group Assignment When writing a Problem-Based Proposal Report for this course, you will be responding to a problem that you have identified in your trade/industry. To propose an innovative solution, the problem must be clearly defined. A problem statement outlines what, where, when and who the problem impacts in order to prepare the reader for the solution. In other words, this problem statement will also be an essential part of the report’s Abstract, Introduction, and Analysis sections. Problem statements can be one sentence or several paragraphs depending on the proposal content. Your problem statement for this assignment should not exceed 200 words. Use the format below to guide you. Example statements are in blue . Additional examples are available on Brightspace. Part 1. Describe the goals, desired state, or values your audience considers important and that are relevant to the problem. Language settings for devices have been successful in ensuring many people and cultures have access to advanced technology and modern technical conveniences. Culturally, preserving a language through technology is beneficial for future generations. Use a “BUT,” “HOWEVER,” “PRESENTLY,” etc. statement to connect the next parts… Part 2. Describe a condition that prevents the goal, state, or value discussed in statement. However, the Ojibway-Potawatomi First Nations languages have not been successfully translated into any operating systems. Many communities could benefit extensively from information communication technologies (ICTs), but access to reliable hardware, software and infrastructure is limited. Also, simple translation is challenging as modern technology includes words and phrases that have no equivalent in many indigenous languages. Part 3. Using specific details, show how the situation contains little promise of improvement unless something is done. As technology evolves and entwines with humanity, future generations will interact with technologies in ways humanity cannot yet understand. If a culture does not evolve with
technology, it runs the risk of becoming obsolete. Part 4. Propose your solution (the use of the first person is fine in the problem statement) and refer to the type of report that you are proposing. Our Problem-Based Proposal Report will propose the creation of an operating system in an Ojibway-Potawatomi language to promote usage and secure a cultural presence through modern technologies for future generations. We plan to investigate the technological and language requirements of creating an Ojibway-Potawatomi language operating system. Before submitting, please ensure that your name / your group members’ names appear at the top or bottom of the document. Your Report Proposal / Problem Statement will be marked using the following rubric: ELEMENT VALUE SCOR E Clear description of ideal, reality, consequences 5 Problem and solution well-defined 3 Colour-coded each of the 4 required sections (see examples) 1 150-200 Words 1 Writing Mechanics (Spelling, Grammar, Punctuation) 5 15
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