Discussion week 4



Louisiana State University, Shreveport *

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Jun 18, 2024





Uploaded by dscott3866

Discussion Week 4 Creativity is an asset to any organization as it fosters innovation, problem-solving, and adaptability. Creating and/or nurturing an environment for creativity to thrive is a vital step for organizations to take. Individuals, groups, and the whole organization can take steps to be more creative, creating a better work environment for all. Researcher Teresa Amabile proposed that the three major functions of creativity are expertise, creative thinking skills, and motivation (Luthans, Luthans, & Luthans, 2021). Expertise is an important part of creativity. Without expertise in hardware and software, Steve Jobs and Apple could not have produced the iPhone. However, I also believe that bringing in an inexperienced individual can foster innovative ideas, as that individual will see the problem in a different light without any preconceived notions or brain fatigue from looking at the problem. Furthermore, bringing in someone inexperienced will also force them to use creative thinking skills to propose innovative ideas. Creative thinking skills determine how imaginative and flexible a person is while making decisions about problems (Luthans, et. al., 2021.) One critical part for organizations to gain a competitive advantage is that they must be innovative, and employees must be motivated to experiment and learn from mistakes as they search for creative solutions in innovation (Mittal, 2024.) For an organization to gain a competitive advantage, creativity is not just a role for the research and development team; it is an act the entire organization should foster and encourage. Promoting creativity in individuals is the first step in promoting creative organizations. The first step in promoting creative individuals is a supportive supervisor and management team (Hernaus, Dragičević, & Hauff, 2024.) Other ways to promote creativity are for the organization and managers to promote a creative atmosphere, work autonomy, job complexity, foster a creative mindset, provide time and space, support risk-taking, provide resources and tools,
encourage continuous learning, lead by example, and celebrate and recognize creativity (Hernaus, et. al., 2024.) The best way for supervisors to support creativity is by leading by example. Supervisors should engage with their employees on ideas the supervisor has and use the employee's suggestions in the supervisor's decision-making. Promoting creativity in groups is achieved by promoting creative individuals, organizations, and managers can also encourage diversity and collaboration (Hernaus, et. al., 2024.) Bringing different people from diverse backgrounds and cultures into decision-making discussions will promote collaboration and diversity in the workplace. Promoting creative individuals, groups, and organizations is an organization-wide issue that can be achieved from the top down, bottom up, and side to side. Cooperation from everyone in the organization is tantamount to this. One idea I have always thought about is an employee-only area in the workplace where employees can communicate with one another without worrying about supervisor interference. Employees could use message boards and other methods of anonymous communication. That way, employees are more willing to post creative and "off-the-wall ideas" that may help others. According to Hernaus, supervisory support, and work autonomy were the two most crucial factors in driving workplace innovation and creativity (Hernaus et. al., 2024.) Therefore, besides supporting creative thought, my employer should allow employees the freedom to work in a way that best suits the employees and how tasks are performed. While aspects of job-related tasks are mandatory, those areas where autonomy can be allowed should be. Another way for my employer to promote creativity is to provide an atmosphere that is conducive to creative thinking. A "carefree" atmosphere where employees can relax instead of worrying about being punished for mistakes or berated by supervisors would allow employees to not always have to second guess themselves.
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