2/28/24, 11:23 AM
Lesson Activity: Investigating the Sum of Angles in Convex Polygons
Lesson Activity
Investigating the Sum of Angles in Convex
This activity will help you meet this educational goal:
You will find the sum of the interior angles of a convex polygon, determine a rule for finding
the sum of the interior angles for all convex polygons, and understand why it works.
Read the instructions for this self-checked activity. Type in your response to each question,
and check your answers. At the end of the activity, write a brief evaluation of your work.
In this activity, you'll need to know what it means to "triangulate" a polygon. To triangulate a
polygon, pick a single vertex on the polygon and draw diagonals from that vertex to every
other vertex in the polygon, forming non-overlapping triangles. For example, in this decagon,
lines are drawn from the vertex in the top left of the figure to every other vertex.
Part A
Draw a convex quadrilateral of any type on a piece of paper, and triangulate it. How many
triangles are formed?