W01 Assignment: Marriage Myths
From chapter 1, The Great Marriage Tune-up
, which of the ten myths affected your marriage, or other marriages you know?
I have lived with some of my married family members, and one of the myths I noticed in one of my sibling's marriages is the finger-pointing-will-change-him myth. I say this because oftentimes, I will overhear them arguing about their issues, which usually ends in them pointing accusing fingers at each other. I will also hear them pointing out every flaw and sometimes even mention things that I felt were irrelevant. For instance, I overheard him complain that his wife does not know how to cook and that she makes the worst kind of meals, which angered his wife, resulting in more accusations.
From chapter 2, Take Back Your Marriage
, how have you seen consumer marriage impact your marital relationship, or other marriages you know? Please describe.
After reading the assigned text, I could not help but think of one of my former bishop’s marriages. I have a close relationship with his wife, who happens to be my cousin. They are currently separated, but my cousin has always complained that before the decision to be separated, she felt like she did everything for him and did not get any form of help from him. I have seen first-hand how this affected her. She felt that with everything she had given to him and
their marriage, he still cheated, and ultimately, the decision to get a divorce was his idea. It is painful to watch, and I see the danger of feeling like you are giving everything and your partner is not reciprocating.