As a future educator of young children, my personal belief is that every child deserves the
opportunity to learn. A proper education is key for the success of a child in the future. It is the responsibility as a teacher to make an everlasting effect on each life touched. I believe children learn best in an environment that is both supportive but challenging. Using learning environments such as hands-on manipulatives, small group, and one-on-one learning works best for my style of teaching. When given the opportunity to learn, children are adaptive to what best suits the level of progression they are in that stage of their studies. The curriculum of any classroom should include certain “basics” that contribute to a child’s social, emotional, intellectual, and physical development. The basics are music, art, language, math, science, and physical education. Children learn best in an environment that promotes learning. Feature of a good learning environment include age-appropriate centers that are rotated to cater lesson plans, a library with books that challenge a child’s ability, and manipulatives that are open for free-play. Computers can also benefit a child who feels more comfortable with their skills virtually as long as an age-appropriate platform has been provided.
All children have certain basic needs that must be met if they are to grow and learn at their best. As I progress in my future profession, a child’s health and safety is my first priority. Providing a child with guidance, respect, and dependability will all help a child have a stable setting to learn. I will be able to meet the needs for my students by remaining a reliable source that will provide praise and encouragement. I understand that each child can learn at their own pace and no one is truly “perfect”.
A teacher should have certain qualities and behave certain ways. Qualities that I believe are important include being acceptive, empathetic, persistent, but most importantly, inclusive to