In your initial post, begin by briefly introducing yourself, including your program of study and career interests. Then address the following:
Explain the difference between positive and normative analysis.
Hello everyone… My name is Ada, I am 38 years old Libra. I live in Maryland with my soon-to-be 18-year-old son and 8-
year-old daughter. I am currently pursuing my associate degree in business administration. I have worked in human resources for over 16 years and want to expand my knowledge, and education to reach my peak in my career. I feel in the current state of my career, I have progressed as far
as possible without a degree which was one of my motivators to return to school.
The key distinction between positive and normative analysis lies in their objectives and methodologies. Positive analysis deals with factual statements about the economy, focusing on what is observable and verifiable through data and evidence. In contrast, normative analysis involves subjective judgments about what should be done in the economy, based on personal
values and opinions. Positive analysis is concerned with describing economic phenomena objectively, while normative analysis involves making value judgments and recommending courses of action based on subjective criteria.
A normative statement expresses a value judgment or opinion
about what should be. It is subjective and cannot be proven true or false based on facts alone.