AMA’s Principles of Medical
To me the Principal of Ethics that I choose are II, IV, V, and IX. II is that you keep
professionalism, be honest, and if you see anything that is wrong it that it is reported. IV is when
a physician respects the rights as well as privacy of colleagues and other healthcare
professionals. V is when they continue your education to make sure you are giving your patients
the best care possible. IX is when a physician provides access to medical care for all patients.
These principles apply to other healthcare employees and not just medical doctors because they
can pass along the continued education to other medical staff and help make reports when
something is wrong. As well as making sure patients' information is confidential, private, and
protected, also making sure to stay professional.
Some things that could be violated would be if a patient's information was not kept private and
confidential. Another violation would be if a physician did not further their education to provide
the best care for their patients which would prevent them from being able to be diagnosed and