Week 4: Founda±ons and Ins±tu±ons This week, we will focus on Roman institutions, such as the Roman political structure under the republic,
religion, early Roman law, and the Roman army. To do this, we'll look at the earliest evidence of Roman
laws (The Twelve Tables) and role that the army had on ideals and practices, as well as how individuals
experienced Rome. The goals for this week are to: Think about how those foundations narratives interact with cultural and social practices and beliefs
Gain an understanding of Roman governmental institutions
Contemplate how those institutions affect modern political institutions
Learn about Roman religion, the pantheon of Roman gods, and Roman religious practices.
Think about how laws indicate contemporary concerns, social and political relationships, and
interactions between individuals in ancient Rome. Gain a familiarity with the Roman army and the ideologies associated with it. Readings for the week: North, "Roman Constitution" Bendlin, "Roman Religion" The Twelve Tables Assignments:
Week 4 Quiz Week 4 Perusall Annotations