Attempt 1 Threats can be used to deter someone from doing something destructive, according to the deterrence theory. The majority of people are aware of the theory of deterrence through the legal system, where it complies with the notion of "fairness." Here, the nuclear state is used in a similar way to deterrence. There are those who believe that the United States and North Korea will engage in another Cold War. Deterrence will be effective against North Korea as it was against the Soviet Union. To stop the Soviet Union from deploying nuclear weapons and initiating a nuclear conflict, the United States employed deterrence during the Cold War. The fact that the United States has more friends and resources this time around than it did with the Soviet Union is one of the key reasons why this strategy will be more effective against North Korea. North Korea is expected to cave if diplomacy and deterrence are used in tandem. North Korea's continued development of nuclear weapons endangers not only the US, but also themselves. North Korea's economy will suffer as a result of the "Global concern about North Korea's proliferation activities has led some countries to halt new purchases from North Korea and has led other nations to take action to prevent arms-related deliveries" (Report to Congress on Military and Security Developments Involving theDPRK 2017) issue. Furthermore, based on a cost-benefit analysis, more countries are abandoning North Korea in favor of the United States; thus, the deterrent strategy does not outweigh North Korea's nuclear capability. Work Cited Report to Congress: Military and Security Developments Involving the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, 2017. Publisher, 2017. Comments Files (1) Rubric D n 2 Dashboard Calendar To Do Notifications Inbox