As
you
will
be
learning/have
learned
in
class,
the
United
States
Supreme
Court
is
the
highest
court
in
the
United
States.
The
decisions
of
this
Court
impact
every
individual
and
business
in
the
United
States
in
that
U.S.
Supreme
Court
law
is
binding
precedent
on
all
other
courts
of
the
United
States.
You
have
the
opportunity
to
earn
up
to
points
of
extra
credit
in
this
course
with
the
timely
and
thorough
completion
of
this
extra
credit
assignment.
If
you
choose
to
partake
in
this
extra
credit
assignment,
your
job
will
be
to
select
and
read
a
Petitioner
or
Respondent's
Brief
from
a
current
U.S.
Supreme
Court
case
(current
for
our
purposes
means
from
the
October
Term
or
the
October
Term)
and
submit
a
report
addressing
questions
you
will
find
below.
The
case
cannot
be
one
which
we
have
discussed
in
class.
To
locate
a
Brief,
please
visit
this
website:
https:/
£
or
https:/
£
(You
will
see
this
link
takes
you
directly
to
the
Merits
Cases
for
the
October
or
Term).
Review
the
summaries
of
the
cases.
Click
on
a
case
of
interest,
scroll
down
to
the
section
entitled
"Proceedings
and
Orders",
then
look
for
a
document
entitled
"Brief
of
Petitioner..."
or
"Brief
of
Respondent...".
Only
use
one
of
those
Briefs
for
this
assignment.
Do
use
amicus
curiae
briefs
or
"reply"
briefs.
If
you
have
question
about
which
brief
to
use,
you
must
email
me
asking
for
confirmation
no
later
than
November
18,
2023.
You
will
then
submit
a
report
addressing
the
following:
1)
Summarize
the
case
issue
and
discuss
the
case
history
(how
did
the
case
get
to
the
Supreme
Court);
and
2)
Summarize
the
Petitioner's/Respondent's
argument;
and
3)
Fully
discuss
the
relevance
of
the
case
and
its
application
to
what
you
have
learned
in
this
class;
and
4)
Fully
discuss
how
the
issue
of
this
case
could
affect
other
aspects
of
law;
and
5)
State
how
you
think
the
Supreme
Court
will
rule
on
the
case
and
your
reasons
why
if
the
Supreme
Court
has
already
ruled
on
the
case,
explain
whether
you
agree
or
not
and
why).