PSYC 6383 DQ 4



Yorkville University *

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Feb 20, 2024





Uploaded by MagistrateMorningMantis21

DQ 4.2 # 3 What are some immediate ways to repair the rupture of “overshooting” the therapeutic window when the intervention has taken the client too far? Hi, Great question! When a therapeutic intervention has led to the client feeling overwhelmed or pushed beyond their capacity, the therapist needs to address and repair the rupture in the therapeutic alliance promptly (Babl et al., 2024). Walser and O'Connell (2021) remind us that during treatment, the relationship between the counsellor and client often has moments of tension and resolution, known as rupture and repair episodes. These occurrences are linked to the overall success of psychotherapy. However, it is crucial to recognize these moments and learn how to repair them. Walser and O'Connell (2021) recommend that the client's feelings should be acknowledged and validated to communicate empathy and understanding. It is also important to express concern and, if appropriate, apologize. Additionally, the counsellor should encourage the client to share their experience, explore what felt overwhelming and work collaboratively with the client to ensure their comfort and safety. Further, collaboratively plan how to approach future sessions to provide a more balanced and manageable therapeutic process. Lastly, ask the client for feedback about what might be helpful moving forward (Babl et al., 2024). In rebuilding trust and sustaining a positive therapeutic relationship, it is essential to include open communication, empathy, and a collaborative approach (Walser & O'Connell, 2021). (Word Count 203) What are your thoughts on moments of rupture and repair within the therapeutic relationship? Do you believe these episodes contribute to strengthening the therapeutic alliance? Babl, A., Rubel, J., Gómez Penedo, J. M., Berger, T., grosse Holtforth, M., & Eubanks, C. F. (2024). Can session-by-session changes in self-reported alliance scores serve as a measure of ruptures in the therapeutic alliance? Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology , 92 (2), 129– 133. Walser, R. D., & O’Connell, M. (2021). Acceptance and commitment therapy and the therapeutic relationship: Rupture and repair. Journal of Clinical Psychology , 77 (2), 429–440.
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