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PSY7710 - Jul 10 2023 to Sep 15 2023 - Sec ! Quizzes Week 9 Quiz ! Due Sep 10 at 11:59pm Points 20 Ques ! ons 25 Time Limit None Instruc ! ons A " empt History A " empt Time Score LATEST A " empt 1 9 minutes 18.4 out of 20 " Answers will be shown a # er your last a " empt Score for this a " empt: 18.4 out of 20 Submi " ed Sep 10 at 7:15pm This a " empt took 9 minutes. Week 9 Quiz This quiz covers elements from the BCBA/BCaBA Task List (5th ed.) from this week. This quiz will help you and your instructor to assess your learning gains and mastery of the relevant learning objec ! ves and the following course competency: Competency 3: Evaluate assessment and interven ! on methods using the BACB ethical code. Please carefully read the following instruc ! ons before beginning the quiz: You must complete and submit the quiz by Sunday 11:59 p.m. Central ! me. Do not start the quiz un ! l you are fully prepared to complete it (that is, all of this week's study ac ! vi ! es must be completed). The quiz must be completed without referring to reading materials, study aids (for example, flash cards), or notes. A dic ! onary is permi " ed to check spelling; however, a glossary is not permi " ed. Contact with other learners or any informant is expressly prohibited during a quiz. There is no ! me limit for this or any other courseroom quizzes. You may retake this quiz up to a maximum of three a " empts. If you have any incorrect answers, this allows you to study related content before the next quiz a " empt. The average of your scores will be recorded as your grade. Click the linked quiz ! tle to access the quiz. If you have any issues with the quiz, contact your instructor. Take the Quiz Again 0.8 / 0.8 pts Ques ! on 1 Abigail the behavior analyst was providing oversight for her approved research project. Which of the following is most likely to be a viola ! on of the BACB ethical code about behavioral research? To ensure the safety, well-being, and confiden ! ality of the par ! cipants, Abigail carefully reviewed standards for ethical conduct of research with her research assistants. She also advised them that if they were involved in an ethical viola ! on, they were on their own. Abigail provided two hours of competency-based training to properly prepare her research assistants to gather data. In the second day of data collec ! on, Abigail recognized a poten ! al flaw in the recording methods and decided to increase the number of scheduled observa ! ons. Although her supervisor said this was no problem, Abigail contacted the IRB to request approval of this modifica ! on. None of the other answers are ethical viola ! ons. Correct. 0.8 / 0.8 pts Ques ! on 2 According to code 2.13, a behavior analyst should, “select, design, and implement assessments with a focus on”: (BACB, 2020). Maximizing benefits and minimizing risk of harm to the client and stakeholders. Parent requests. Convenience and ease of the implementa ! on of the assessment. None of the other answers is correct. Correct. 0 / 0.8 pts Ques ! on 3 Incorrect Incorrect From what you learned in ICS, what is not one of the basic components of a risk-benefit analysis? Special methods. Risks. Benefits. Ethics codes considered. Incorrect. This is one of the basic components of a risk-benefit analysis. 0.8 / 0.8 pts Ques ! on 4 Behavior analysts should know and communicate the risks of specific behavioral interven ! ons, such as the increased probability of unintended or undesired behaviors. When a specific procedure is recommended, the behavior analyst should: Present a balanced, honest representa ! on of the risks versus the benefits. Place greater emphasis on the related risks of using the procedure. Place greater emphasis on the related benefits of using the procedure. Avoid discussing the risks of no interven ! on. Correct. 0.8 / 0.8 pts Ques ! on 5 What should a risk-benefit analysis include? A list of only risks. A list of only benefits. A list of risks and benefits. A list of risks and benefits with notes. Correct. 0.8 / 0.8 pts Ques ! on 6 When delivering an ethics message to a nonbehavioral professional, what is the first step to e ff ec ! ve communica ! on? Present your point of view. State what you would like to happen. Present a solu ! on. Listen to others. Correct. 0.8 / 0.8 pts Ques ! on 7 For delivering the ethics message e ff ec ! vely, Bailey and Burch (2020) recommend good communica ! on skills and familiarity with the BACB ethics codes. In some cases, the behavior analyst will have an immediate response to address an ethical dilemma. In other cases, the behavior analyst may be caught by surprise or be unsure of what to say, especially if the issue is unclear or falls in a gray area. In order to refer to the guidelines or speak with a supervisor, the behavior analyst may "buy some ! me" to respond by saying: "Excuse me, but that is en ! rely acceptable." "Let me get back to you on that." "Thanks for apprecia ! ng the progress that the client has made." "I think your conduct may have been unethical." Correct. 0.8 / 0.8 pts Ques ! on 8 In some cases, behavior analysts will work with high-func ! oning adult clients who can present ethical dilemmas. Likewise, the behavior analyst may face ethical challenges with parents, managers, nonbehavioral professionals, and even fellow behavior analysts. Based on the recommenda ! ons of Bailey and Burch (2020), which of the following is the best response for resolving ethical problems and delivering the ethics message e ff ec ! vely? Ask for the facts, cri ! cally analyze the problem, warn the person about the guidelines and possible adverse consequences. Establish rapport, respec % ully ask ques ! ons, state the facts, reinforce what others are doing right, refer to the guidelines, summarize the guidelines and possible consequences, coopera ! vely discuss a solu ! on. Ask ques ! ons, ask for empirical evidence of any procedures in ques ! on, provide a copy of and ask the person to read the relevant BACB guidelines, request that the person follow up the next day. Asser ! vely confront the person, express disappointment, ask the person what they intend to do about the problem. Correct. 0.8 / 0.8 pts Ques ! on 9 When searching for a place of employment as a BCBA, you may wish to ask the following ques ! ons: Seek informa ! on related to pay, hourly requirements, and advancement opportuni ! es. Seek informa ! on about the benefits packages involved. Seek informa ! on about the values and ethics of the company. All of the other answers are correct. Correct. 0.8 / 0.8 pts Ques ! on 10 The ethical behavior analyst will always abide by the dictum do no harm. But the cau ! ous, ethical behavior analyst will also make sure that they are never the target of a mistaken or malicious accusa ! on of physically inappropriate behavior toward a client. Which of the following were not recommended by Bailey and Burch (2020)? To avoid false allega ! on of inappropriate touching, always make sure to have a witness present. Make sure the witness knows what you are doing and why you are doing it. Be distant, cold, and impersonal in your interac ! ons with clients to prevent any false allega ! ons. If you are involved in the use of any sort of physical restraint, make sure you are properly trained and cer ! fied to use it. Avoid cross-gender therapeu ! c interac ! ons (male therapist-female client) unless there is no alterna ! ve. Correct. 0.8 / 0.8 pts Ques ! on 11 Two of the best methods for planning ethical research and doing no harm to par ! cipants are to seek peer consulta ! on and always obtain approval of your local ins ! tu ! onal ______ board (IRB). Review. Reference. Responsibility. Respect. Correct. 0.8 / 0.8 pts Ques ! on 12 Behavior analysts inform par ! cipants about research procedures and their ability to freely par ! cipate, decline, or withdraw. Related factors, such as poten ! al risk or discomfort, are also explained. For persons with limited communica ! on skills, special procedures are prepared to iden ! fy signs of distress that may indicate the desire to withdraw from the research. In the language of the BACB compliance code, this type of ethical conduct for behavior analysts is described as ______ consent. Expected. Allowed. Informed. A rmed. Correct. 0.8 / 0.8 pts Ques ! on 13 How can a behavior analyst iden ! fy and limit unpredicted results of behavior change plans? Read studies related to the behavior plan. Conduct a risk-benefit analysis. Tell RBTs to communicate with them as soon as something strange happens so the BCBA can monitor. Both reading studies related to the behavior plan and conduc ! ng a risk-benefit analysis. Correct. 0.8 / 0.8 pts Ques ! on 14 Bailey and Burch (2020) suggest that it is far be " er to prevent ethical problems than a " empt to resolve them a # er the fact. A powerful method for preven ! ng ethical dilemmas is reviewing and signing a formal, wri " en _________ of Professional Services that addresses many of the BACB ethical compliance code elements and clarifies rules and boundaries with the client at the ini ! a ! on of services. Expecta ! on. Declara ! on. Recita ! on. Confession. Correct. 0.8 / 0.8 pts Ques ! on 15 What do Bailey and Burch (2020) recommend to help prevent many ethics problems from occurring in the first place? Use a Declara ! on of Professional Prac ! ce. Complete the BACB supervision training. Keep current on your CEUs. Hold monthly mee ! ngs to report progress with your clients. Correct. 0.8 / 0.8 pts Ques ! on 16 Clients should always be aware of the following: Where their BCBA went to school. How to file a complaint regarding services. When a BCBA is using planned ignoring. All of the above. Correct. 0 / 0.8 pts Ques ! on 17 Incorrect Incorrect What is something a behavior analyst should do throughout their career to handle ethically challenging situa ! ons e ff ec ! vely? Regularly review the ethics codes. Tell their mentor about specific concerning cases. Read three ar ! cles related to ethics each year. Both A and B. Incorrect. There is one correct answer. 0.8 / 0.8 pts Ques ! on 18 What is a consistent point in delivering an ethics message to a client, family member, coworker, or other professional? Reference ethical elements. Be respec % ul. Ask ques ! ons. All of the above. Correct. 0.8 / 0.8 pts Ques ! on 19 When discussing a possible viola ! on or ethical issue with a supervisor, you should do the following: Ask to remain anonymous, but be specific in your report. Tell them if they do not fix the problem, you will leave the company. Present a solu ! on to the problem. Both the second and third answers are correct. Correct. 0.8 / 0.8 pts Ques ! on 20 A risk-benefit ______ should be incorporated into professional prac ! ce. Approach. Analysis. Antecedent. All the above. Correct. 0.8 / 0.8 pts Ques ! on 21 Dr. Bailey recommends using a ___________of Professional Prac ! ces and Procedures for Behavior Analysts. Declara ! on. Determina ! on. Diagnosis. None of the above. Correct. 0.8 / 0.8 pts Ques ! on 22 What is the final step of the risk-benefit analysis? Reviewing the risks. Reviewing the benefits. Comparing the risks and benefits. Reviewing the analysis with the clients and stakeholders. Correct. 0.8 / 0.8 pts Ques ! on 23 Generally, the more _______ the problem behavior, the greater risk of failure. Severe. Frequent. Intense. Both the first and third answers are correct. Correct. 0.8 / 0.8 pts Ques ! on 24 When discussing risks with parents to iden ! fy whether a proposed behavior interven ! on plan is appropriate, the supervising BCBA should do the following: Present the wri " en behavior interven ! on plan and stress the importance of finding an interven ! on to decrease the challenging behavior. Objec ! vely note the risks involved, providing examples of how one might handle the risks should they occur. Downplay the risks, as they are highly unlikely in most situa ! ons. Provide the risks, but really focus on the benefits of the plan as that is what is going to make the biggest di ff erence in be " ering the life of the client and par ! es involved. Correct. 0.8 / 0.8 pts Ques ! on 25 When delivering an ethics message to a supervisor, what is the final step of communica ! ng your concerns? Ask ques ! ons. Refer to the ethics code. Present a solu ! on. Be respec % ul and understanding of others. Correct. Quiz Score: 18.4 out of 20 # Previous Week 9 Discussion: Con ! nue Your Conversa ! on $ Next Next Module: Week 10 Last A " empt Details: Time: 9 minutes Current Score: 18.4 out of 20 Kept Score: 18.4 out of 20 2 More A " empts available Take the Quiz Again (Will keep the average of all your scores) 5 Summer 2023 Home Announcements Vitalsource Bookshelf Reading List Assignments Yellowdig Grades Files Microso # Tools ePor % olio Media Gallery Account Dashboard Courses Calendar Inbox History My Media Library Help WalkMe Chat
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