Compare and contrast Jesus of Nazareth with some of the figures of his time
(a) The Essenes
The Essences were a group of sectarian Jews best known for the Dead Sea Scrolls. The Dead Sea
Scrolls were ancient Jewish and Hebrew religious manuscripts that were discovered between the
years 1946 to 1956 at the Qumran Caves. Jesus of Nazareth and The Essenes may have had some
things in common such as, sharing Jewish beliefs as well as their devotion to the Torah.
However, they also had many differences. For instance, Jesus did not agree with the Essenes’
decision to reject the temple and priesthood. Individuals who were disabled or individuals that
are known as outcasts were held in special esteem by Jesus, which was the complete opposite for
the Essenes.
(b) The Zealots (Zealot movement)
The Zealot movement was those who fought to free Israel from the Romans. Jesus had agreed
and disagreed with some of the things that had taken place during the Zealot Movement. Jesus
agrees with Zealot's desire to gain freedom for Isreal and to remove the Romans from the land.
However, Jesus opposed the method they took to get their freedom. The Zealot Movement used
violent methods and Jesus did not agree with that; he did not teach about the god of vengeance.
Revenge and destruction were never part of Jesus’s mission.
(c) The Scribes
The Scribes were known as priests, they saw themselves as master teachers and successors to the
prophets. Wherever a scribe goes, they believed that they should be given the highest place of