Main Concepts for Midterm essays



Concordia University *

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Dec 6, 2023





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Study Material for the Midterm Good way of Starting the introduction is by defining the terms 1) Define The components of the Synoptic Problem What was there a problem? - The Problem was that Matthew Mark and Luke have similarities, yet they have differences. - (Draw the diagram)+ (Make sure to write an example for each Gospel) Markan Priority : Gospel of Mark. He wrote the first gospel - It was shortest gospel. There tendency is to add to the gospels than to reduce and this is why they believed it was the first gospel written - Synoptic means “seen together” - Scholars want to find the most archaic text Q: Q is short for Quelle . It doesn’t appear that one of these authors derived their story from the other. Therefore, it must have a been another source. We are not sure where the source Q is. Q is the material found in Matthew and Luke but that isn’t found in Mark - Ex: The Lords Prayer and the Beatitudes M : Matthew’s special source refers to the stories exclusively found in Matthew and not the other Gospels. - Ex. The Visit of the Wise Men L : Luke’s special source are the stories found nowhere else but in Luke - Ex. The Parable of the Good Samaritan Triple Tradition highlights the common passages of Matthew, Mark, and Luke - Ex: Christ’s mother and his brothers were standing outside. When His disciples tell him that they are standing, he tells them “Those who do the will of my Father are my mother and my Brothers Double Tradition highlights the common passages of Matthew and Luke - Ex: For the tree is known of its fruits Most Widely accepted hypotheses are : - 2 Point Hypotheses is Mark and Q (Quelle) - 4 Point hypotheses are Mark, Q (Quelle), M & L - There are many other hypotheses, but the scholars found these 2 most accurate
5)Understand and explain the messiahship of Luke-Acts *Read and make sure you understand the question before you answer. Messiah: the anointed king, from a Hebrew word literally means the “Anointed One” - The function of baptism is for the remission of sins - Very important to know this key word The retrospective readings - Christian writers look back in to the Hebrew bible and they witness Christ fulfilling them therefore they quote old testament prophesy and place Christ as the Fulfiller of Prophesy In Luke: he is rule as a prophet. - Luke is the first historiographic preface: - Our understanding of His Messiahship was in the revelation of the angel to Mary - An angel reveals to Mary that she will give birth to a son who will be crowned in the Throne of his ancestor David (King David was God’s favorite king) - Christ considers himself to be a prophet, but he is not be accepted by the Jewish leaders in his hometown - He is baptised and at that moment The Spirit expressed in the form of a dove, comes upon him. They hear a voice proclaiming You are my son, The Beloved, with you I am well pleased. It is one of the instances in which his Messiahship is attributed to him - He reminds them that the prophets prophesied that the Messiah is one who will suffer before he is crowned (He reads out of the scroll of Isaiah) - After his death He is resurrected and speaks with his disciples before He ascends. Its important to connect the Messiahship Prophet and The Messiahship as Sovereign or King as Luke can be part 1 and the book of acts, part 2 In Acts. Messiah as the Sovereign King - God raised Him up from the dead after his crucifixion - Once he is resurrected, he appears to his disciples and explains to them how his coming suffering, crucifixion is all prophesy, prophesied by the prophets in the old testament, and is being fulfilled. - Once He ascends The Holy Spirit descends into his disciples - The Holy Spirit “Pneuma” meaning Breath is a dynamic energizing a dynamic supernatural force which fills the disciples - The Holy Spirit endows the apostles to speak in diverse tongues and the begin to preach His teachings to spread the gospel. This is how he rules as the Spirit through His Disciples. - Book of Romans reveals to us that He fulfills the promise God made David in That he reigns as king of The Spiritual Kingdom - * The Pneumatic Rule : The Holy Spirit Descends into the Disciples and Christ rules through them
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