Both of these religious groups share similar beliefs and practices (Elimu, 2023). They both
profess their faith in a higher being, a supreme God, and hold the belief in an existence beyond
death. Furthermore, they both engage in the act of prayer as a means of seeking forgiveness for
their wrongdoings (Elimu, 2023). Additionally, both religious communities have appointed
religious leaders or priests who serve as intermediaries between the people and their deity,
conveying their petitions and supplications to God on their behalf (Elimu, 2023). The Igbo
people, who adhere to the traditional religious beliefs, express their devotion to the Supreme
Being by revering numerous minor deities or gods (Okeke, 2017). On the other hand, those
who embrace Christianity choose to directly worship God by actively participating in church
services, engaging in heartfelt prayers, singing hymns, practicing meditation, and engaging in
various other spiritual practices and rituals (Okeke, 2017). Religion encompasses a diverse
range of cultural systems, belief systems, and worldviews that serve to establish a connection
between humanity and spirituality, and in some cases, moral principles (
Religion and
2023). It is characterized by the presence of various narratives, symbols, traditions, and
sacred histories that aim to provide individuals with a sense of purpose and understanding of
life, as well as elucidate the origins of existence and the universe (
Religion and belief
Elimu: Christianity and traditional african heritage
. eLimu | Christianity and Traditional
African Heritage. (n.d.).
Okeke, C. O., Ibenwa, C. N., & Okeke, G. T. (2017). Conflicts Between African Traditional
Religion and Christianity in Eastern Nigeria: The Igbo Example. SAGE Open,
Religion and belief - manual for Human Rights Education with young people -
Manual for Human Rights Education with Young people.