Reading Reflection Journal:
Why and How We Worship Template
Based on John MacArthur’s Book
, Worship: The Ultimate Priority,
Chapters 3-4 and
Chapter 15
Noteable Quote:
“Worship is to the Christian life what the mainspring is to a watch, what the engine is to a car. It
is the very core, the most essential element..” (Chapter 3)
John MacArthur,
Worship: The Ultimate Priority,
(Chicago: Moody Publishers, 2012), ch. 3.
MacArthur, John.
Worship: The Ultimate Priority.
Chicago: Moody Publishers, 2012.
Main Points:
In one sentence, summarize the main point of each chapter.
Chapter 3: Worship should occupy all aspects of a believer's life, not just a portion of it.
Chapter 4: Were created to be saved by Christ's death with the intent to worship only God.
Chapter 15: We can only genuinely adore God if we completely surrender to Him.
Reflection on the Reading:
I agree with the author's stance after reading these chapters for the assignment. Many
scriptures and valid remarks support the author's stance in conveying the genuine context of
worship and how it should be expressed. These chapters are based on God's word. Furthermore,
the author does a wonderful job of explaining what worship should genuinely be for believers.
Throughout the reading, God has taught me a few worship principles. This approach
aided my understanding of how to use these concepts in my daily Christian life. These chapters
resonated with a sermon about worship that I heard at church; it taught me how to continue
growing my relationship with God.
The actions I feel God would have me take to implement these principles in my own
public and private worship are opposed. By evangelism and spreading the gospel, I would apply
these concepts to my public worship. I would also use these concepts in my private worship to
help me focus on becoming closer to God.