In one paragraph (75–150 words), answer the question, “What is the Abrahamic
Your Answer:
Abraham made certain covenants with God. In these covenants, God had
promised great blessings to Abraham as well as his family. Also, these blessings
would extend to all of Abraham's children which would make them part of the
Abrahamic covenant. These blessings include many descendants of Abraham so
that his descendants would receive the gospel and be able to bear the
priesthood. Anyone who can receive many blessings from Abraham even if they
weren't part of Abraham's descendants or by baptism.
In one paragraph (75–150 words), answer the question, "How does an
understanding of the Abrahamic covenant relate to my understanding and
appreciation of Father’s plan and Jesus Christ and His everlasting gospel?"
Your Answer:
God promised that via Abraham's descendants, all peoples of the world would be
able to benefit from these gospel covenants and their attendant blessings.
Anyone who accepts the gospel and upholds the covenants and ordinances one
makes while being baptized is eligible to benefit from the covenants Abraham
made with Heavenly Father even today. In order for every one of his children to
have the chance to go back to Heavenly Father and be able to live with Him once