Religion gives individuals a sense of purpose in life. When things seem bad, religion can give individuals a sense of belief that everything will be okay. Religion also has a good way of bringing people together. Despite the things that individuals have done when they come to the house of the Lord to worship none of that matter. Religion also has a way of separating and dividing individuals into groups of believers and nonbelievers. In this paper I will be discussing Religion in Government and Religion in Global Affairs. Religion In Government, in the United States, was addressed in the First Amendment. The Amendment says that the government will not a specific or official religion. The term “separation of church and state” refers to the distance between organized religions and the functioning of the nation-state. (Ryman and Alcorn,1)
Religion in global affairs has been influential in wars and divisions. An example was the horrendous event that happened on 9/11, when the millants associated with Islamic extremist groups targeted the United States. (Smock,2) Religious communities promote peace and reconciliation. They have leaders and institutions that can be mediators in conflict situations. Toleration implies a free and equal society bound by religion moral systems. An example would be atheist and non- religious will show greater tolerance given a stronger adherence to the value of pluralism. (No author,3)
Citations Hannah Ryman and Mark Alcorn. No date. Establishment Clause (Separation of Church and State).
David Smock. February 01, 2008. Religion in World Affairs: Its Role in Conflict and Peace.