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Multiple roles for branding in international marketing


Faculty of Business and Informatics, School of Commerce and Marketing,
Central Queensland University, Rockhampton, Australia, and

Ho Yin Wong
Bill Merrilees
Department of Marketing, Griffith Business School, Griffith University,
Gold Coast, Australia
Purpose – The purpose of this study is to empirically examine the inter-related relationships among various branding issues such as brand orientation, brand re-positioning, brand performance and international marketing issues in terms of international marketing strategy, financial …show more content…

Literature review
There is a wide recognition of branding strategy as a source of competitive advantage in domestic markets (Biel, 1992; Calderon et al., 1997; Chaudhuri and Holbrook, 2001; de
Chernatony, 2001; Farquhar, 1994; Moore et al., 2000; Mosmans, 1996; Mosmans and van der Vorst, 1998; Rubinstein, 1996). A brand in a holistic sense represents the synergistic effect of all marketing efforts that instil and perpetuate an image in customers’ minds, and contribute to the success of a firm by creating stronger cash flows and higher values for shareholders as demonstrated by Yovovich (1988).
In addition to this holistic view of branding, a brand can be used as a corporate strategic tool to enhance a firm’s performance (Mosmans, 1996; Mosmans and van der
Vorst, 1998). Some argue that a brand can be placed as the focal point of a firm so that brand issues can be coordinated and given higher priority (Capon et al., 2001; Urde,
1994, 1999). This approach of brand orientation extends the resource-based theory of marketing strategy, in terms of how brands are created, developed, maintained, and protected, and can result in enhanced performance of firms. Broadening the brand spectrum means that branding goes beyond marketing communications and should be regarded as an integrated business approach (Rubinstein, 1996). Firms must manage the various aspects of a brand and tie it to the total

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