Dr. Aswathi Nair,
Faculty, Alliance School of Business
MBA, Batch 2013-15, Section E
I would like to express my sincere most gratitude towards my teacher, Dr. Aswathi Nair (Assistant Professor, Alliance University) for providing me with the opportunity to do a research on this subject matter and present my findings. I would also like to thank Prof. Asha P (Assistant Professor, Alliance University) for educating me about the nuances of Human Resource Management and its various applications in the industry. The list of acknowledgments would not be complete
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Instead they mostly get bored, or get demoralised due to low earning and seek a new beginning in some other enterprise.
In spite of all these constraints, the recruiter must be aware of the fact that for further development of the business, it is his/her absolute responsibility to hire the best talent. In addition to this, they must also remember the fact that with the aging of population, many employees with a vast knowledge background, sometimes having a tenure of more than 30 years are leaving behind a big gaping hole due to the expertise gap and this is very difficult to fill.
Given the circumstances of the changing scenarios, recruiters have identified 3 particularly challenging areas that have agreed to the complexity of the situation. They are :
The usage of modern technologies
Adopting to the change in various aspects of demography and overseas recruitment
Increasing trend of globalisation
The Usage Of Modern Technologies
The factor providing perhaps the highest deal of complexity to the situation is the rise of new technology and their applications in the field of recruitment. In today’s world, every individual is online. With the help of Social Media sites and blogs, people express their feelings and emotions without keeping any inhibitions in mind. People share their relationship status, the parties that they attended and almost everything else that they encounter under the sky, every day. The usage of web
The common perception of a recruiter is evolving quickly in the workplace (Boswell 2001). Where once recruiters were viewed as a tool to simply acquire candidates, modern recruiters have greater responsibilities to their clients. These responsibilities can include tasks such as organizing paperwork, completing pre-screening measures, and even occasionally preparing training curriculum (Darrell 2002). Recruiters are further expected to provide quality screening of candidates and ensure the optimal match for each applicable position within a company (Posner 2006). As with any other job within a company, recruiters must take this work seriously and avoid procrastination to ensure a smooth transition for their candidates into the new workplace. Should the transition fail to be smooth, the full blame modernly falls on the recruiter who failed to use proper coordinating strategy.
The purpose of this reflective paper is to show my understanding along with what I have learned about HRM (human resources management) and the different way HRM impacts the success behind every business, along with the rules and regulations that go with it. Over the last five weeks I have learned quite a bit about HRM and will reflect on that throughout this paper. “Human resource management is the managing of human skills and talents to make sure they are used effectively and in alignment with an organizations goals.” (Youssef, 2012). I will be including the things I learned throughout the last five weeks in this
Many different avenues exist that can be utilized in the recruitment process. While traditional methods of recruitment such as newspaper advertisements employee referral programs are still be used, many companies, including Fortune 500 companies, are moving towards more technologically advanced avenues such as career opportunity pages on the company website, online job boards, social media, etc. The way an organization presents itself using any of these avenues is essential to the recruitment process as it is the only opportunity for the organization to attract
In today’s highly competitive environment, the biggest challenge that most successful businesses face is to arrest attrition and retain talent. What is more, people’s ambitions are fast changing and concepts like loyalty do not seem relevant anymore. Tried and tested methods are fast losing their effectiveness as talented employees become immune to such formula driven approaches. Money is important but not adequate to solve the problem. That your attrition rates are comparable to industry is no consolation. Companies are losing highly talented people, walking away with accumulated knowledge and experience that is not easily replicable.
Buckley, R. M., Fedor, D. B., & Ferris, G. R. (2002). Human resources management: perspectives, context, functions, and outcomes (4th ed.). New York: Prentice Hall.
Byars, Lloyd L., and Leslie W. Rue. Human resource management. 10th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2010. Print.
Widely recognized for my expertise in a broad range of recruiting and staffing issues, I take a hands on approach to ensure I remain on the forefront of the recruiting industry with a finger on its pulse. With an astute understanding of the industry, talent for listening and understanding the needs of clients, world-class customer service, an artisan’s attention to detail, and a special talent for marketing, I take
Abstract: Human Resource Management is fast gaining popularity and its importance is becoming unavoidable, this is due to the fact that Human Resource Management plays a huge role in the growth of any company irrespective of its size. Unfortunately it is yet to achieve global standards or strategy of operation; this can be attributed to the various differences between environmental factors, employment attitudes, cultural
The problem is that utilizing technology based recruiting (including Social Networking Sites and Applicant Tracking Software) for selection of candidates may result in a detrimental fit between employee and organization. When considering organizational fit; “The concept Person-Organization Fit (POF) deals with the congruence between the employee’s own personal values and the values of the organization, according to the employee’s perception” (Farooqui & Nagendra, 2014, p. 123). These limitations could culminate into a poor fit, resulting in diminished job satisfaction as well as poor job performance (Farooqui & Nagendra, 2014). The population that is affected by this problem is Human Resource (HR) management. The research will specifically focus on talent acquisition that will reduce problems through strategic recruitment.
In an era of increasing competitiveness, globalization, economic rationalization, deregulation, technological revolution and changing workforce there is an ever-increasing need for human resource management to be able to capitalize on the special challenges that this changing environment brings. For a company to be able to successfully keep ahead of the competition, human resource management is seen to be a significant contributor.
Human Resource Management (HRM) is the terminology used to illustrate formal systems devised for the management of people within an organization. It is the method of managing an organization or company that is directly related to the employees of that particular organization. The success of a business often rely heavily on the performance of managing human resource. Maximizing the desires and benefits of an organization and helping a business grow by rewarding employees to help motivate and push them in their performance is one of the main aim of HRM. By doing this, it will have a positive impact on both the company and it’s entire organization.
In addition, the employment process requires effective communication in terms of the messages to post via advertisements. This is because potential candidates will be attracted by the content of the messages displayed through the adverts. In light of the current technological advancements such as the Internet and social networks, human resource managers would want to utilize such channels to reach many potential candidates across the globe (Lugonja, 2011: 2). This calls for flexibility and willingness to invest in technology where adequate efforts have not been made. However, a multidimensional approach would work better since not all people can access the Internet. In a nutshell, the process of selection and recruitment involves looking for and motivating prospective employees to apply for available job posts. Being a negative process, selection entails scrutinizing the qualifications of candidates that have applied in order to choose only the best applicants for various jobs (Sharma, Khurana, & Khurana, 2009: 17).
In today 's whirlwind job climate, organizations are seeing a shift in the candidate profile. The rebounding economy, coupled with technological advancements, allows potential employees the ability to leverage their skillset to achieve their desired work situation. Diversity in the workplace climate is growing due to the emergence of the 'shared economy ', in addition to the growing appeal of temporary work situations. In this emerging workforce, workers are looking for autonomy, flexibility, and organizations that they are proud to be associated with . This means that employers are competing more fiercely than year’s prior. Access to top candidates is growing more difficult due to the fact that many employers are not presently engaging workers in all of the workforce arrangements that are currently available. More importantly, candidates with desirable skill sets—particularly in the STEM sector are proving to be a challenge to procure. As the U.S. is experiencing the lowest unemployment rate since 2006 , it is critical for companies looking to secure top talent to engage in a new, robust and holistic talent acquisition strategy. Total talent management, a relatively new concept, is gaining traction, as a solution to engaging today’s best and brightest in the workforce. Simply put, Total Talent Management (TTM) is a talent strategy that focuses on all aspects of work arrangements. The concept of TTM
Keywords: human resources management, HRM, motivation, diversity, communication, recognition, relationships, performance, economic growth, recruiting, candidates, creativity,
The economic environment in nowadays dynamic, it is fairly important for organisations and managers to recognise the curtail of Human Resource Management. It is clear that Human Resource Management (HRM) has become one of the most recommend management strategy in the modern business (Leopold and Harris, 2009). Human Resource Management is a technique process of managing people in the workplace to enable and enhance organization performance (Leopold and Harris, 2009). This theory involved the responsible to attracting, selecting, training and managing people which make employees become more valuable to the organisations. It invests effect in learning and development at work. Also to communicate with all employees at each level to reward successful employee relations (Wilton, 2011). Human Resource Management plays a very important role in the operation strategy and management concerns in work organisations of all kinds (Leopold and Harris, 2009). In aim to justify this statement by evaluate the benefit and importance of Human Resource Management in contemporary work organisations. This essay will focus on analysis the advantages of use Human Resource Management in business also underline by explain more detail about the different HRM strategy brings benefits and give competitive advantages impact to the organisation success. Then summarise by a general conclusion on the importance of HRM in contemporary work organisations.