Understanding development in this section allowed me to learn the sequence and rate of the development of children and young people from birth to 19 years and how different aspects of development can affect one another. Learning the theories of development and frameworks to support development in current practice was good to see how things work effectively. People who work with children and young people must be able to recognise concerns about development. This is to make sure that the correct actions can be taken. The early recognition of speech, language and communication disorders to children’s holistic development is an important feature of this section. Children and young people go through a number of stages as they progress into adulthood.
A two year assessment is carried out between the ages of two and three. Parents/carers/guardians are provided with a short written summary of the child’s development in the prime areas. Within the progress
If a child is to achieve the Every Child Matters outcomes laid out in the EYFS, their speech, language and communication needs must be met. If they are not met, it can lead to challenging behaviour, a lack of attainment and isolation. Therefore it's vitally important that practitioners recognise the signs of potential difficulties and know where to go for more information and support.
According to the statutory framework for the early year’s foundation stage, the seven areas of learning and development are important and inter-connected, the three areas ‘communication and language, physical development, and personal, social and emotional development’ are particularly crucial for igniting children’s curiosity. So when their individual needs are met they can build their capacity to learn, form relationships and thrive.
The opportunity for children and young people to develop in a loving caring environment is vital to their development. It is important that professional practitioners know the expected aspects and rate of development to ensure that individuals in their care are given the best opportunity to thrive. The following tasks will help you to understand the support that each child or young person may need.
In the Early Years Statutory Framework , there is a section for learning and development. They have outline 3 key areas. Communication and language, Physical and personal, Social and emotional development.
From this case study we understand it is important to act quickly to support children who have speech and language or communication needs, as language is crucial to learning and enables one to express thoughts in an organised way. Children with language delay may also find it harder to communicate and form relationships with others. They may become frustrated, leading to possible behaviour problems. Very young children in particular do not have the experience to recognise the reason for their
When looking at children and young people’s development it is important to recognise and respond to concerns to ensure that the child or young person receives the help and assistance needed.
Speech, language and communication difficulties can have a profound and lasting effect on children’s lives and development. These can affect their ability to communicate and interact with others. The impact of these difficulties will vary depending on the severity of the problems, the support they receive, the demands of the child’s environment
2.3 Explain how theorise of development and frame works to support Development. Family and Social Relationships:How stable and affectionate is the young person’s relationship with parents, staff, peers, as manager I would analyse if the interaction is of age appropriate with peers and other significant persons in the child’s lifeTheir understanding of the way in which appearance, behaviour and any impairment are perceived by the outside world will be addressed. Their appropriateness regarding dress for their age and gender. Their personal hygiene and cleanliness routine will also addressed. And finally, an overview of their placement with us, their behaviour, and concerns any future recommendations. Educational needs will be assessed and how they respond to this, and their capabilities.Fairbridge is a government run initiative where it promotes young people to make life changes regarding their own lives. It offers life skills, along with activities to enhance their communications and listening skills. Fairbridge will also do exercises, which incorporate trust along with integration with other young people with the same background.The child’s growing sense of self as a separate and valued individual person. Their own views of self-image and self-esteem. If their self-worth is how a lot of work will be undertaken by the team to ensure it is boosted. Race, religion, age, gender, sexuality and disability may contribute to this feeling of
For this assignment I will be explaining the terms; speech, language, communication – speech, language and communication needs. For the second part I will go into details explaining how the above mentioned terms support children’s and young people’s development and will also describe the potential impacts . I will be using examples in my work and will also add how adults can effectively support and extend children language, speech and communication needs.
Traditionally, my knowledge of child development and ways of working with clients has always been influenced by psychiatric and psychological knowledge. Though this can be useful, it can also be problem-based as it categorises the clients and their needs (Milner and Bateman 2011).
They are split into three groups according to their age of implantation- 12 children were implant in 2 year of life. 34 children in 3 year, 29 children in 4 year of life.
of children each year in your classroom. The more you learn about children’s development, the more you can understand at what level it is appropriate to teach them.
Developmental psychopathology is the study of behavioural health and adaptation in a context of development (Masten, 2006). The study indicates when behaviour diverts from normal and goes wrong and is also aimed at providing a clear understanding of developmental disorders and mental health problems in childhood and adolescence putting into consideration, differences that exist in developmental stages as they concern various countries. For instance, Children in Norway start to go to school at the age of 7 while in England, at the age of 5 and in Nigeria, 2years.
In counseling through lifespan coun 201 students have been introduced to the concepts of development in infant to children. The two children observed are in the early childhood stage which ranges from 2 though 5 years of age. Freud, Erickson, Piaget and other individuals have contributed to the