
1.1 Explain The Difference Between Beliefs And Values

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1.1 Explain the difference between beliefs, attitudes and values
Before determining what is the difference between beliefs, attitudes and values. You must firstly know what their definitions are
1. An acceptance that something exists or is true, especially one without proof.
"his belief in extraterrestrial life"
• something one accepts as true or real; a firmly held opinion. o "we're prepared to fight for our beliefs" o synonyms: opinion, view, viewpoint, point of view, attitude, stance, stand, standpoint, position, perspective. o "she clung to the belief that Diane was innocent"
• a religious conviction. o "Christian beliefs" o synonyms: ideology, principle, ideal, ethic, conviction; More
2. Trust, faith, or confidence in (someone or something). …show more content…

Values are usually points which often all of us think important to us along with consequence how we perform ourselves. Values are usually points for example integrity, loyalty, honesty. Our Values are usually according to Beliefs or perhaps created by our track record. Our Values is usually accurate or perhaps inappropriate in comparison to facts, nevertheless regardless it’s what we feel it’s true.
As I have religious beliefs then I do form a specific set of values set out by a religious faith. I value things for instance respect, integrity in addition to honesty yet these are formed by means of my perception of what will be right in addition to wrong. Nowadays we are in a planet where proper and wrong are not instilled as strongly using areas. Subsequently these values are usually lost.
Beliefs are our strongest feelings towards something weather it is right or wrong, fact or speculation. Once we accept a belief then this goes on to form our values and

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