
1.2 Explain The Importance Of Verbal Communication

Satisfactory Essays

To be able to develop any kind of positive relationship with any other human being, we need verbal communication, we need to know how to listen and how to read body language. In fact communicating is not only “using words―, we need to know which words and gestures to use and how to use them and also how to interpret those of the other person. To be able to create a positive relationship with a child for example, we need to use words and gestures that, the child can understand, we need to use body language in such a way that the child doesnâ€TMt feel threatened or uneasy. If a child feels uneasy this will have a negative effect on the relationship and will influence their work and growth, whereas a child who feels comfortable with another person will find it easier to have a positive relationship. …show more content…

We must also understand if and when communication is breaking down because without effective communication relationships cannot be positive. Between adults, the situation is slightly different, because usually an adult doesnâ€TMt feel inferior to another adult, however, it is always very important to understand which, verbal and body language to use and which, is being used by the other person, so as to create an equal situation of effective communication that, in turn will produce a positive relationship which is beneficial to the students and to the school

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