
1. How Do You Think Most Adolescents Feel About Their Bodies Essay

Decent Essays

1. In general, how do you think most adolescents feel about their bodies? Can you give me an example? I think most adolescents are content with their body and have learned to accept what their body is. For example, most teenagers think their body is okay or have learned to live with it, but much rather have a body like someone else, such as Beyoncé.

2. Do you think there is a difference between how males and females feel about their bodies? Can you give me an example? Why do you think this is true?
I definitely think there is a difference between how males and females feels about their bodies. From the beginning of time woman have had to look a certain way in order to be loved, accepted by society, and measured up as anything. As a man if you are smart, and have a job you are viewed as something, but as a woman your intelligence level didn't matter, because it was …show more content…

Also, some people of older generations bash our generation for wearing a certain amount of makeup (I oppose myself of wearing makeup), while as an older generation these people should be trying to uplift this current generation. Also, if you were from an older generation, but were a teenager in this day and time you would be doing the same thing many teenagers are doing now to enhance your body image. The celebrities our generation look up to includes Beyoncé, The Kardashians, Ariana Grande, Rihanna, Chrissy Tegien, and other celebrities that show their body( to encourage woman to embrace and accept their bodies), while an older generation failed to realize that they idolized celebrities like Tina Turner, Cher, and Madonna( who is a wild rebel child) who also showed their bodies for the world to see by wearing leotards, sheer ensembles, and performing sexual dance moves, which influenced previous generations thoughts about their body

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