1. Introduction: The English language plays an unparalleled role in the educational system, mass media, courts, administration, commerce and industry in India. English has formed a deep psychological association with most Indians. It is firmly believed that a thorough knowledge of English is indispensable if one wants to come up in life. But the same kind of English cannot be taught to students belonging to different streams, in other words, the English that we teach our young students must suit their tastes and serve their needs. With the diversification of the activities and professions comes the need to teach English differently to different groups to suit their different objectives. A medical practitioner does not require what a …show more content…
In this paper, we would try to make a modest attempt at identifying certain factors that may need scholarly attention and objective revision. Some of these factors are not unknown to the scholars in the field, and some other factors are already in practice, but we sincerely believe that an objective look at these factors may help to improve the situation. Unlike in the past, the English language teaching now has acquired new dimensions in order to fit itself in all the domains in which it is used. Communicative skills in English what are expected today and one’s progressing life in practical every domain require at least a basic knowledge of English. This changing scenario of English in India makes it necessary for us to take a closer look at the English language teaching in India, the methods the syllabi to see whether it meets all these demands. In spite of our best efforts to promote Indian languages in all spheres of knowledge, it is still not feasible for us to replace English with Indian languages in every field. On the other hand, the importance of English and the use of English have increased manifold, if anything. With the increasing global importance of English, we cannot shut our eyes to the reality, and hence, naturally we continue to use English and teach English evermore in various fields. Today we use
From the last decades the researchers are doing researches and comparing their notes for the invention of the new methods for English language teaching which is quite sustainable and well arranged. This method also failed like the classical method because of the same reason.
In many countries around the world, English is being learned only by those who can afford instruction in it. Not being able to afford such instruction can close many doors, particularly with regard to accessing higher education. (p. 24)
English has undergone some changes in relation to its status in the world. Some years ago, it only became the first or second language for several countries. Nowadays, alongside with the development of information, communication, and technology the status of English becomes a lingua franca in the world. That is, a language that is used as a means of communication between people with different language. This change, of course, brings some impacts in the roles of English as a language. English is not seen as a language for identity anymore. Yet, it functions mainly as a means of communication. Added to this, the change of the English status as a lingua franca will also impact to the educational sector especially in English Language Teaching (ELT). With regard to this issue, this paper tries to present the notion of English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) and its implication to the teaching learning process especially in Indonesian context.
In their opinion in countries that English is not their native language it has negative impact on culture and mother tongue. However, there are many reasons that demonstrated that use of English as a medium of instruction have positive impact on everyone’s life. As a study clearly says that student has the ability and skills to learn many languages (Begg, 2012). He adds that teaching a language in schools as a first or second language qualitatively vary because if all higher-study materials are in English so students to needs to be proficient in that language and that transition is smooth from school to college or college to university. In addition he clearly mentioned that” Junking English as a medium of education will only push us back”. For instance, there are many people he studied in English that now became successful in their life, Indira Gandhi, Jyoti Basu, Ratan Tata, Sunil Gavaskar, Amitabh Bachchan and a million of people who are leaders and successful (Begg, 2012). Therefore, all of these researches widely declare that English as a medium of instruction has benefits to improve educational system of and to develop a country that English is not their native
There is a saying from Ludwig Wittgenstein, “The limits of my language are the limits of my world”. This saying is absolutely true. Language is the most the most important part of life. Without language we are not able to communicate with others. Understanding and mastering another language are the keys how to connect with the biggest world, one of which is English language. English language is known as a lingua franca. Everything around us gradually changes since English language is dominated in the international community as a communication tool. As the result, job requirements, social media, TV programs, or even students books now use English. Therefore, the children should learn English language at their young age since there are some benefits even though there are some cons of learning a second language at a very young age. This essay will outline the advantages of learning English for children.
It serves as the primary language of the ubiquitous and all-influential World Wide Web, latest version applications, programs and freeware, shareware, peer- to- peer, social media networks and websites. Furthermore, English is of vital importance for higher education and specialized training. English is the medium of instruction in most universities and higher education institutes of the world. Skill to read and write English aptly is very much important, especially for higher studies in a foreign country and also for good standard of books as well as study materials. It is quite untrue to say that the books accessible in diverse mother tongues are of poor quality; however, it is a fact that the books obtainable in English on diverse matters are in wider choice. Apart from these, English is important for access to world media and entertainment. Satellite channels around the world telecast news and views in English. The art, tradition, culture and life style of any country can be understood fairly well if we have knowledge of the English
SMK Alam Shah was immersed in an atmosphere of gaiety during English Week. The English Language Society would like to congratulate the teachers and the committees in charged for putting a lot of time and effort to make this event a truly momentous and successful one. We would also like to express our gratitude to those who have put their heart out into participating in various activities throughout the week. It is hoped that this programme would encourage students to love learning English and ultimately build up their confidence level and
It is acrimonious that teaching of English in India is still to a great extent, examination-oriented only. Therefore, the vernacular medium students suffer from a syndrome that does not allow them to perform well in higher education courses. They draw a periphery around themselves that doesn’t permit them to exercise their talent in the process of learning English and other subjects. At the moment, it is the duty of teachers to cater to the practical needs
Other questionnaires were given to 13 English teachers in the language centre. All of them are experienced in teaching English. They were asked to give some effective techniques that they use in teaching vocabulary.
As we know that learning English in India it is gradually becomes very important due to century as well as techno-age is concerned. We all knew that English is taught either as Second Language or Target Language. It is very difficult for student-beginner who recently starts to learn English language as foreign language. One of the vital and pivotal pivot roles of learning Foreign Language is to open the treasure hidden in the literature of a particular language. To reveal such treasure one needs to be mastered in different methods of teaching the foreign languages. This makes easy full for learners to learn foreign language. If we want to understand different method of teaching foreign language things linguistically we can understand it as “A method in linguistics and language teaching determines what and how much is taught. The order in which it
The role and importance of English Language was also felt after the British people left India. English has been the medium of instruction in colleges, universities and many schools. The growing influence of English language and the difficulty in finding an alternative language acceptable to all Indians were the main reasons for the arrival of English Language. The University Education Commission (UGC), under the chairmanship of Dr. S. Radhakrishnan, was of the opinion that learning English would help Indians to update themselves with the developments happening in other parts of the world. English will promote national unity and nationalism. On the other hand, a language was needed for intra-national and international communication and thus, English was the best preference. Observing the need of English language, the report of the University Education Commission (1950) suggested that the teaching of English should be continued for higher education purposes. The views expressed at the UGC national workshop on syllabus reform in English (1977) states
In India, parents choose English as the medium of instruction for their children because English is the language of computers, language of business, language of science and technology and the list is endless. By grasping the mind-set of the parents and societal needs, the schools in India try to be monolingual by aspiring to fulfil the wish and objective of the parents. But the Indian societies are multilingual and hence the children who hail from diverse background fail to adapt to changes. The children who have been trained to think in their mother-tongue feel depressed and agitated when they are compelled to learn in English. On the other hand the students who learn in their mother-tongue are compelled to join in English
In this exploration blend, we efficiently explored the exploration writing from 1989 to 2010 to inspect
With the development of living standard in society, studying aboard has become more and more popular. Not only because of English as the world language is an agent to connect countries, but also speaking English fluently will be beneficial for the future personal development. In order to study oversea smoothly, the first step is to go through the language--English. Generally speaking, English has been divided into two different types according to the purposes which are English for Academic Purpose (EAP) and General English (GE). It is obvious that EAP teaches the knowledge which will be suitable for a higher education whereas GE is mainly focus on daily communications. Therefore, the teaching style or perhaps teacher’s role in the class is also different. In this essay, the writer will illustrate two different classifications by Harmer and Scrivener, after compare and contrast the two the teacher’s role, the writer will select one of the classification and justify it. Finally, the chosen classification will be put into practice ( justifying with the radios provided).
Many countries in Asia like China, Japan, UAE, Sri Lanka, Singapore etc., adopted English as a foreign language not as a second language. Because considering English as a second language and as a Foreign Language is different in their view point. They view that outside of the classroom, English is not that much useful. They teach all the subjects in their mother tongue but in India if one is unable to speak in English he becomes a tabooed person. Many Asian countries treat the pupil’s age, sex, race, attitude, intelligence and grasping power in teaching English. Indian teachers neglect this aspect. For ex: a speaker from Hyderabad emphasizes more vowels before many words because of the influence of Urdu. Straight – Istraight. And a Bihari pronounces ‘sh’ as ‘s’ because of the influence of Kharboli. Teachers don’t take into consideration of this aspect and mistreat students. So teachers have to choose the methodology as suit their classroom and environment. If teacher takes all the factors into consideration classroom becomes more meaningful. All the methods are not meaningful when teacher choose them as per the needs of the classroom.