
1. Technology Lab Or Self-Help Technology Law Center. The

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1. Technology Lab or Self-Help Technology Law Center The University of Maryland Carey School of law establishes a law practice technology center within the law school or within the UMB Community Engagement Center. The purpose of the center is to provide a means to assist self-represented litigants and to provide law students with the opportunity to deliver legal services in a client- centric practice. Self- represented litigants will have access to the building (during business hours), to computers in order to access the clinical law firm’s created online delivery of legal service, which contains document assembly software (e.g. Hot Docs or RapidDOCS). The law students volunteer to assist the self-represented litigants through the created …show more content…

3. Technology practicum The clinical law program establishes a course to teach law practice technology using the classroom and the clinic components. This program can be modeled after the Justice & Technology Practicum taught at IIT Chicago-Kent College). The program is as follows: The Justice and & Technology practicum offers both clinical and classroom methods using technology to provide legal services to moderate-low income individuals. A real life justice problem is posed to each student or student team. The students are challenged to utilize document assembly or the A2J Author® software to solve the justice problem. In class, the students explore how technologies are changing the practice of law. List of readings assist students as they begin their research to define the scope of their projects. The research should address the ethical issues of using the new technology. As student create a new technology to deliver legal services, they are encouraged to “write plain language for the public,” which is becoming an admirable trait for lawyers as providing legal services moves towards more self-represented litigants (S&M, p. 712). In the clinical portion, students are required to “spend several weeks observing the legal processes that are at the core of the justice problem that they are assigned to solve” (p. 712). Secondly, “student spend a minimum of twenty hours during first five weeks of the semester in direct contact with self-represented

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