
100 Years Of Solitude Chapter 1 Summary

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Chapter 1: During the summer, I was graced with the opportunity to read “100 Years of Solitude”, by Gabriel García Márquez. Much like the title of the book, this story has much to entail when it comes to the hardships and confusion of living in isolation. It opens with Colonel Aureliano Buendía, awaiting his impending death as he stands only feet away from a firing squad. His mind floods with memories of his younger days, when he lived in a town called Macondo. This town can only be described as mystical, as many things, explainable and unexplainable, always seemed to occur. What was the most memorable, though, were the gypsies. Every year, a group of gypsies would travel to Macondo, bringing new technologies that the town would have never imagined. That year, the gypsies brought magnets, and it’s perplexed yet amazed the citizens of the Macondo, including José Arcadio Buendía (the father of Aureliano Buendía.) José begins to explore …show more content…

Somewhere else, Aureliano Segundo begins to show interests in the past research that the gypsy leader, Melquíades, left behind. José Arcadio Segundo, the twin brother of Aureliano Segundo, starts to embrace his religious side more. Unfortunately, he dismisses this and later starts to cockfight and have intercourse with donkeys. Aureliano Segundo and Jose Arcadio Segundo, who are practically identical, both start having sex with the same woman, Petra Cotes, who is completely oblivious to the fact that they are two different men. Jose unexpectedly contracts a disease from Petra, and runs off, leaving Aureliano and Petra fiercely in love with in love. They passion is so magical, it causes all the cattle in Aureliano’s farm to become indefinitely fertile. This causes Aureliano to grow extremely wealthy and he begins throwing massive parties, the entire village marveling in his large amounts of

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