Hello, Mr. CJ Jones! First of all, it was a pleasure talking and discussing the measures available for the commencement requirements. However, thorough student advisory analogy, on your part has enabled me the opportunity to be a participant of May 14, 1016, graduation ceremony. Moreover, I'm registered for the summer of 2016 (INDS and Math-115). God’s Blessings, Shirl J. Green
The Salutatorian Addresses, given by Emily Nortnik, Shelbi Ledesma, and Hannah Branson, took the class of 2017 back through the last 13 years of their lives. There were good times and there were challenges, but together they faced life’s ups and downs while unknowingly making cherishable memories. Valedictorians, Lily Lockhart and Elizabeth Ward, graduated with GPAs above 4.3.
Attending a Midwestern University Commencement ceremony provides both a sense of history and accomplishment, beginning with bagpipers leading the procession of graduates; continuing with the traditional music, speeches and conferral of degrees; and concluding with the faculty lining the auditorium lobby and applauding the
I have the distinct pleasure of welcoming all of you into the National Honor Society, a group built off of high standards of achievement, not only in the area of academics but also in character and leadership. I congratulate each of you and your parents.
High school and college graduations, best known for their length, and infamous cap, tend to give a “farewell in good luck speech” to the graduates. These speeches can be mundane for the spectators, yet captivating for the participants. Rita Dove’s speech to the UVA graduating class of 2006 is different. She captures the attention of all her listeners. She delivers a unique speech that shares her hopes for the students’ futures.
High school and college graduations, best known for their length, and infamous cap, tend to give a “farewell in good luck speech” to the graduates. These speeches can be mundane for the spectators, yet captivating for the participants. Rita Dove’s speech to the UVA graduating class of 2006 is different. She captures the attention of all her listeners. She delivers a unique speech that shares her hopes for the students’ futures.
After 13 years, it’s all come to an end. No more assignments, no more tests, no more uniform, no more school. To the majority of you, this fact probably still hasn’t really hit home yet, and to be honest, I don’t think that I’ve fully grasped this fact either. That soon, we will be stepping out of the relative safety of TSS and entering into a harsh, and unforgiving new world. But as we -the graduating class of 2016- step out into this new world, it is not as though TSS has not prepared us for this day.
Houston Community College’s annual graduation ceremony will be held on Saturday, May 14 from 9am-noon at NRG Stadium.
As UNLV Graduates its 2016 Spring class, its commencements speakers offer words of community and impact
Houston Community College’s annual graduation ceremony is set for Saturday, May 14, at 9 am at NRG Stadium.
I have loved every second of having you in my second grade class. You brought so much to our big family in room 110. I will have wonderful memories of you and this class for many years to come. I hope you have many fond memories in room 110.
As the Salutatorian of the class of 2016, I salute you! I stand before you today not to boast about my accomplishments, but to give thanks unto the lord for this opportunity and giving the strength to stand as your Salutatorian today! I would like to thank the faculty and staff, friend, and family for encouraging me and supporting me throughout my high school career. I also want to give a special recognition to Mrs. Tangela Jones for being more than just a guidance counselor. She has seen me at my worst and best moments. She has worked extremely hard with me this through all of my decision-making processes and for that I would to let her know how much I appreciated her hard work and dedication.
It is these memories ladies and gentlemen, that confirm for the fine merit of this current year transitional students. I will like to pay tribute to every single one. You have all left and will keep on leaving a permanent legacy of perfection, accomplishment, and a fine character and custom for eras to come. I also want to pay tribute to the excellent educators, the parents and without a doubt the leading group of governors - you have all guided, formed and shape every student sitting here today. Your part has been massively instrumental in decorating our youth......our hope for the future.
Last year, former U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords M.R.P. ’96 delivered the convocation address to the Class of 2015, and Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.), then-Mayor of Newark, delivered it to the Class of 2013.
As the beautiful sky happily accompany sunrays, that shined down on the entrance of the field house where the ceremony of my graduation took place. Someone above must have known it was my graduation day and blessed me with a beautiful day. I was so excited, that the night before the graduation I couldn’t sleep at all. I tossed and turned all night, thinking about the graduation and if he’d even show up. I waited for this moment for four long years and I will make the best of it.
Welcome staff, students, family, and graduates. Today marks a special day in our lives. Today is the day of our graduation. It seems with every graduating class there is a certain amount of responsibility placed on the graduates. For this year’s class it is no different, in fact more has been placed on this class than any others in history.