
11th Century Research Paper

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In the years of the Middle Ages, Europe descended into poverty, lack of authority, and religious irrationality. Many fault lines of Europe saw non-Christian areas as fundamentally different and separated from Christendom which started massive issues. In the south as well as in the east of the European mainland, many Muslims who occupied those lands represented rivalry to the Christian world. When Christians wanted to visit Jerusalem which they saw as the “Holy Land” they often passed through Byzantine and Muslim controlled territories. With the Turks hold on Jerusalem, they were imposing taxes on foreign travelers causing the Christians to resent. The Seljuk Turks converted to Islam and reinforced Muslim armed forces threating Byzantium. Therefore, …show more content…

After years of chaos based off differences in beliefs and practices, divided churches into two diverse cultures in western and eastern Christianity. Alexius Comnenus who apprehended the Byzantine throne and consolidated over the rest of the empire appealed to Pope Urban II for aid. Pope Urban seized the opportunity to rally Christians to take arms as Christendom’s warriors to liberate Jerusalem and the Holy Land from those of non-Christians which were the Muslims. Additionally, individuals who partake in the cause are forgiven for their sins.
Pope Urbans plea resulted in countless feedback both from military as well as citizens of the Byzantine. A large quantity of peasants who responded followed two self-appointed leaders, Peter the Hermit and Walter the Penniless. This conflict propelled to a ruthless bloody annihilation of Muslims by Christians to seize the sacred land from Muslim control called The Crusades. The first Crusader was an army of a few thousand cavalry and approximately ten thousand infantries. These forces captured the great Syrian city of Antioch in 1098. They progress towards the Palestine until reaching

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