
1763 Dbq Analysis

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Shashwat Patel Ms. Chong APUSH, Period 5 10 September 2015 Rough Draft 1 In 1763 the French were defeated in North American continent after their surrender at Treaty of Paris that gave British massive control, such acquisition of land and the debt that British incurred in the bloody war with French. It was necessary for British to take control over North American Empire. This led parliament to heavy taxes which strained fragile relationship with the American Colonies and mother country. British began to take control over economic policies of American Colonies. It was the emergence of an American Identity and the resolve of parliament to reign over the colonies that ultimately led colonies to declare themselves independent from Britain. British incurred debt during the war, their first attempt was to raise revenue came with the Sugar Act in 1764 but it was unsuccessful. It led to Stamp Act, in which taxes were imposed on paper goods such as legal documents, licenses and newspapers. Colonists wanted “no taxation without representation”. Parliament countered that they virtually represented all of their …show more content…

They drafted Declaration of Rights which was an appeal to king, they asked for a peaceful solution and listed their demands to King George (Document 4). The leaders agreed to meet in another year if grievances were not met, and they felt their plea for rights of Englishmen was fair. The thought of reconciliation with Britain may have been on minds of American leaders, but before they could reconvene the citizens were fed up. British troops landed in Boston in search of Samuel Adams and John Hancock, both were opponents of crown and spread their ideas through Committee of Correspondence, a fight broke out between Massachusetts militia and British regulars at Lexington and Concord in 1775, all attempts to settle their differences failed because there was a lot of

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