
1880 American Living Conditions

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The Living Conditions in an American City in 1880 “No country can be well governed unless its citizens as a body keep religiously before their minds that they are the guardians of the law, and that the law officers are only the machinery for its execution, nothing more” (Twain, 1873). The Reconstruction was officially over with the Compromise of 1877 which finally withdrew the last military troops in the South. United States as a nation experienced a variety of significant and drastic changing beginning in that period. Former slaves gained their freedom and this fact permitted them mobility. United States saw a great influx of immigrants that altered their course of history, bringing new traditions and costumes that with time became integrated …show more content…

Immigrants from different backgrounds starting finding their niches in the economy. For example Jews started dominating the garment industry, while Italians became building contractors. Micro economies were created all over the place by these immigrants building and running local restaurants, ethnic groceries, bookstores, newspapers, and business geared towards their respective nationalities which helped to preserve their idiosyncrasy and culture. Irish and Italians living in Boston did not fear as well. They lagged behind their counterparts native born Americans (p. 418). The ability to learn English often increased their prospective to succeed in the new city life which was very competitive in nature and discriminated those that were not able to …show more content…

Crime and disorder became the norm in the cities at the time. Illegal gains became a “queer ladder of social mobility” according to sociologist Daniel Bell (p. 420). Prostitution was another plague that affected society at the time. Women sometimes with very little options and in a very competitive labor market fell prey to prostitution as the only viable way to make a living. The local taverns became a place for many to escape the stress of a very fast pace life style and the often cruel conditions of society. An ineffective government opened the way for political machines to take control of local governments and start creating the tools and means to address those social necessities. These political groups were organizations that provided social services and jobs in exchange for

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