
1920s Music Changes

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“Music changes, and I'm gonna change right along with it” (Franklin). Music changes as the years pass, music can change people within and that change reflects on the outside. As the popular music changed from the Victorian era of modesty at the beginning of the 20th century to the jazz age of the 1920s, so did the fashion styles of women. Between the 1900s and the 1920s, fashion styles changed from conservative to a more revealing style for the time. In the 1900s, women wore tight and modest clothing and listened to classical, more relaxing music. While the women in the 1920s wore, lose and provocative clothing for the time. The fashion change in the 1920s was said to be caused by a specific genre of music, jazz. Jazz gave way to new styles …show more content…

Women were known to be the perfect role model for their children in the 1800s, during the late 19th century women had to work to help support their families (“Striking”). Women also worked from home by finishing garments and shoes for factories, laundry, or preparation of snacks to sell in the market. This unpaid work came along with other responsibilities, “included cooking, cleaning, child care and often keeping small animals and growing vegetables and fruit to help feed their families” (“Striking”). The preferred clothing of the time was corsets, long dresses, and the least amount of skin the better. The clothing choices were respectable and modest. The dress code was not under the control of the girls but more of their mothers who were taught to respect their elders and their husbands or any other person in society (1900). The music genres were classical like symphonies and operas; they also listened to many church hymns (Hinshaw). These music genres more reserved, soft, and cultural; this music could give off a respectable manner and that could influence their …show more content…

As the music grew, the people who listened to it grew and changed with it. The change in fashion was one of the biggest well-known changes. Ladies who took part in the change were known as “flappers,” the name originated from a young bird that is immature and unknowing. This bird is compared to the young women because they too were immature and unknowing of what they are getting into (“Boundless”). “The surfacing of flappers—women noted for their flamboyant style of dress, progressive attitudes, and modernized morals,” the flapper way of life started a new way of living and “began to captivate society during the Jazz Age” (“Culture”). The clothing was much different from the clothing from the early 20th century. The clothing was loose, low cut, had a low waist, and showed more skin; the dresses were sleeveless and their heels were higher (“What”). The clothing trend soared throughout the whole United States when fashion magazines started advertising the flapper style. Jazz and fashion soared at once, the theme of jazz was upbeat and the clothing was made looser and cut to meet up with the ability to move freely while dancing (“Jazz”). Jazz, this new craze was still new and exciting, which gave more excitement to the fashion choices. The clothing trend was also much approved by young women because of the mass production and low cost, “Because of the post-war economic boom, the consumer market was

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