
1937 Hindenburg Tragedy

Decent Essays

Though the hydrogen is found abundantly in the nature but due to some of its properties has made difficulties to handle it for the industrial use. Due to it lightest it is stored under pressure as a liquid hydrogen. It has a fast burning rate as compared to the other fuels so any hot spots or sources of ignition should be avoided. May 6, 1937 Hindenburg tragedy, report from the intelligence suggested a static friction between the metal (duralumin) and the fabric was the cause of the tragedy. This means hydrogen needs to handle very carefully. In early 1870’s many researcher’s tried to use some of the alternative fuel to have a better efficiency and to reduce the emission rate, hydrogen was one of the element which they have found out to be …show more content…

The common problem which researcher’s faced was, they directly supplied the HHO gas in the carburetor. This HHO gas enters the carburetor at a certain temperature and with some traces of water in form of vapors. Both the outcome can be easily controlled by a simple unit. These problems are caused by the heat generation due to reaction happening through the electrolysis process inside the container. Some researchers have sprayed water to control the pre-ignition but eventually was in vain. There is one best solution to get rid from both of these problems which have a further effects on the engine which are stated above. If the HHO gas is somehow cooled than the temperature would decrease and water vapor would condense leaving only the gas at a low temperature and without water vapors. This simple unit contains a bottle filled with water at a room temperature. This bottle is named “Bubbler” in which HHO gas would enter from the top which is packed for any leakages then it will reach till bottom making the gas at a lower temperature and condensing the gas. Only the pure HHO gas bubbles make till top and further enters the carburetor through nonreturn valve. This simple arrangement can lead to a solution

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