The 1969 Apollo 11 moon landing, the first thought that might come to mind is, It’s a great moment in American history and It’s real; but in fact, it’s actually fake. Over the years since the moon landing, evidence found by people all over the world is starting to accumulate, and it’s all pointing towards that the moon landing is in fact fake. The United States had a reason to need to fake the moon landing - to beat Russia, so could that reason really make them fake the moon landing? Evidence such as a flag moving when there is no oxygen, having multiple light sources, no blast crater or dust when the ship look off and landed, no stars, a mysterious C on a rock, and running in gravity, are main things people normally point out. So, moon …show more content…
Then why did the flag wave, and why does it look like the astronauts are running when you speed up the recording? While and after planting the United States flag on the moon, you can obviously see how the flag has ripples and how it waves. Flags can only wave when there is oxygen, which can only mean one thing - it was on earth. The moon has absolutely no oxygen, so there can be no other explanation as to why the flag moved. When people were inspecting the Apollo 11 video, they noticed something strange. When they slightly sped up the recording, it looked as if the astronauts were running on earth's gravity, and the same goes with when they were driving the rover. Could NASA have possibly slowed down the recordings to make it look like they were walking on the moon? If so, does that means NASA did in fact fake the moon landing, but where and how did they film …show more content…
Shadows that are in the same place but going different directions means multiple light sources, right? Well, then why would there be multiple light sources on the moon? The only light source is the sun, which means all the shadows should be doing the same way, and not in different directions. Which means if there are different light sources that means the landing is definitely fake, and the light sources were probably stage lights. NASA claimed to have shot at many locations on the moon, but all the ‘different locations’ were all the same. ‘Different places’ on the moon, or was it really the same movie set on Earth. Speaking of movie sets, when setting up props, people normally mark the prop with a number or letter, so they know where it goes. In a picture taken on the moon, there is a rock where you can obviously see the letter C written on it. Logically speaking, a rock cannot possibly have a letter on it without it being carved in by a human, or the rock is simply fake. So, the moon landing - more like a movie set. But what about the takeoff and
What if the first moon landing by America was all a hoax? Three American Astronauts named Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins. These men flew on the Apollo 11 and are famous for being the first men to step on the moon. One of the biggest conspiracy theories is that the whole 1969 Moon landing was all faked and filmed in a studio in Hollywood, California. The Moon landing in 1969 supposedly did not happen and there is documentation evidence, experts testimony, and physical evidence to prove that it did not happen.
The photos from the moon landing have multiple light sources shinning on the surroundings, and the sun is the only light source while on the moon, but the shadows are in different directions rather than from only the sun. When the believers of the conspiracy see the photos, and realize the only possible way serval light sources could be shinning in those photos would have been taken in a movie studio in Hollywood. Additionally, another picture presents two astronauts with one of the astronauts' shadow bent, and scientists believe the bent shadow came from a light fixture in the studio. The picture Buzz Aldrin took of the earth, an astronaut on the Apollo mission, and the photo was 130,000 miles away from him when he snatched the photo. On the mission, this picture was the very first view ever taken of Earth, but the window frame on the left of the shot made people wonder.
One of the most patriotic moments in United States history was an American stepping foot on the Moon. It came at a time when the U.S. was involved in the Cold War, bringing joy to the entire country. It was a task that took years of failure and hard work to accomplish. The moon landing helped elevate the status of the United States as a country trying to catch up to the Soviet Union in the race of space advancement. However, this accomplishment has been diminished by many who have claimed it be staged. Two of them are Bill Kaysing, who published a book detailing the hoax in 1976, and Bart Sibrel, who published a documentary in 2001.
“Another Photograph Fueling the Moon Landing Conspiracy Theory” The Neil Armstrong Moon Landing: Hoax or Reality. April, 2011
Many accomplishments throughout the years, in the United States have formed our country to a nationalist society. On July 20th, 1969, the Mission Control Center in Houston, Texas received the call, “Houston”, which confirmed the landing of these three astronauts on the moon. Recently though, many discussions of the Apollo 11 mission have astonished thoughts of many Americans. Conspiracy theorists are looking at the Moon Landing as a hoax and one big set up that Americans were fooled into believing actually happened. In 1974, Bill Kasying wrote a book entitled We Never Went to the Moon:
The Moon landings during the 1960’s and 1970’s were the largest world events at the time. Millions of people tuned in to watch them, but many believe that the events never even took place. For decades conspiracy theorists have been trying to solve the case, believing the Moon landing to be a total hoax. Statistics show that Americans between 18-24 years old are the largest percentage that believes the Moon landings did not occur (Why do People Persist in Denying the Moon Landings?). For those who do not believe in the Moon landings, Apollo 17 astronaut Harrison Schmitt says, “If people decide they’re going to deny the facts of history and the facts of science and technology, there’s not much you can do with them.
Some people have reason to believe that the dark interior of the space shuttle looked like the darkness of space, and the circular window gave the circular shape of the earth. The film also states that one of the astronauts used a crescent shape to alter the shape of the earth as they drifted farther into space. The consistency of the video was also at question. The film shows decent quality color video inside of the spaceship, but the film on the moon was black and white. Many conspiracy theorists claim that the video footage was leaked from NASA by accident. When the video footage was leaked conspiracy theorist dissected the footage and made a hypothesis of how the footage was produced. NASA says that every theory is false and they stand behind their statements firm.
Conspiracy theorists have also argued that there should have been a freshly gouged crater where the lunar module’s descent engine blasted into the lunar soil. However Bizony rebuffs this myth by explaining that the powdery lunar soil was disturbed by the downward pointing jet of the exhaust, but the thrust was not enough to create a crater in the topsoil, much less even be able to penetrate the hard rocky substrate (Bizony, It was all a fake, right?, 2009). The website, explains that the lunar module had six-foot long landing probes under the foot pads and when they registered contact the engines would stop firing and the module would fall gently the rest of the way (Moon landing hoax). Since the engines stopped firing approximately six feet before landing, there was not enough blast pressure to create a crater. The article stated that a firecracker would have more power than the engines did after they ceased to fire (Moon landing hoax).
This is just one example of the moon landing being a hoax. They used the same backdrop for different photos that were supposed to be in different areas of the moon. NASA claims that the only light source for taking the photographs was the sun. One example of such a photo, is of Armstrong and Aldrin planting the flag. If the photo was taken by using only the light of the sun for a light source, then why is Aldrin’s shadow longer than Armstrong’s shadow? If the sun was the only source for light then the shadows should not have been so unequal (Overstreet). Why did so many NASA Moonscape photos have non parallel shadows? Skeptics will tell you because there is two sources of light on the Moon, which is the Sun and the Earth. That maybe the case, but the shadows would still fall in the same direction, not two or three different angles and Earth shine would have no effect during the bright lunar day which was the time at which the Apollo was on the Moon.
One of the key pieces of evidence of the moon landing is photo evidence. Numerous photos as well as video have been released and seen by the public. One of the
It wasn 't until I really sat down and thought about it that I realized the moon landing was questionable. As a kid I always thought it would be amazing to be an astronaut so the thought that maybe there is no real astronauts at all had me concerned. On July 20th 1969, the Apollo 11 with astronaut Neil Armstrong and his crew, guided by thousands of NASA technicians, supposedly landed in the surface of the moon. This landing at its time was considered the most amazing technological advancement in the history of mankind. The moon landing is something that everyone knows about but as it turns out about 20% americans and 50% or Ukrainians don 't believe the moon landing really happened, here 's why.
Everyone faces challenges at one point, and we all have found a way to accomplish them. Even people from the1300s faced problems. Orville and Wilbur Wright experienced difficulties while creating the Flyer 1. One of the difficulties they faced was nature, they also faced time and malfunctioning airplane parts. All are very hard on together.
1. "Apollo Moon Rocks." Curators Chioce. Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum. 15 Oct. 2007
First, according to, a personal explanation from a camera man explains how he shot the “fake” moon landing six months before it debuted.
In the battle of Hattin, Saladin displayed immense restraint and was justified in committing actions some may argue were unnecessary. The result of the Battle of Hattin, Saladin had decisively crushed the Frankish forces and captured any remaining franks that could not flee. Saladin had also notably captured Guy of Lusignan who was the current Ruler of Jerusalem, Raynald of Chatillon, Guys brother, and other high nobles of Jerusalem. This was a decisive victory because the main force protecting Hattin was defeated and that left the entire region to be conquered with little opposition. The restraint he displayed during the capture of the prisoners, he chose to spare Guy and one of Saladin’s council stated “During this time, Guy was gasping with